It shall be unlawful to use water delivered by the Mt. Pulaski water system in violation of the following stages of restriction:
Stage 1:
The mayor may request that the city water customers voluntarily reduce water usage in order to prevent the need for mandatory restrictions.
Stage 2:
All bulk water hauling is prohibited, except fighting a fire in progress.
Stage 3:
Stage 2 activities and the following activities are prohibited:
Filling of swimming pools except kid size pools limited to one hundred (100) gallons.
Washing of any pavement, driveway, or building.
Washing of any vehicle except at commercial car wash facilities.
Watering of ball fields.
Watering of gardens except by use of hand operated nozzles.
Watering of yards.
Stage 4:
Stage 2 and stage 3 activities and the following activities are prohibited:
Filling of swimming pools of any size.
The following also applies:
Water flow to all commercial users outside the city limits shall be restricted except nursing home use and firefighting use.
Stage 5:
Stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4 activities are prohibited and the following also apply:
Water flow to any commercial water user outside the city limits shall be shut off except nursing home use and firefighting use.
Stage 6:
Stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4 activities are prohibited; stage 5 and the following also apply:
Water flow to any water user outside the city limits shall be shut off except nursing home use and firefighting use.
Stage 7:
Stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4 activities are prohibited; stage 5 and stage 6 and the following also apply:
Water to city users shall be shut off for periods of time as determined by the mayor in consultation with the water department. Twenty four (24) hour notice requirements do not apply to this stage.
(Ord., 7-24-2012)