General Provisions
154.001 Statutory authorization
154.002 Findings of fact
154.003 Statement of purpose
154.004 Lands to which chapter applies
154.005 Establishment of official zoning map
154.006 Regulatory flood protection elevation
154.007 Interpretation
154.008 Abrogation and greater restrictions
154.009 Warning and disclaimer of liability
154.010 Severability
154.011 Definitions
154.012 Annexations
Zoning Overlay Districts
154.025 Districts generally
154.026 Compliance
154.027 Floodway District (FW)
154.028 Flood Fringe District (FF)
Conditions and Regulations
154.040 Procedures for determining 100-year flood elevations in areas located in Zone A of the Flood Insurance Rate Map panels
154.041 Subdivisions
154.042 Public utilities, railroads, roads and bridges
154.043 Manufactured homes and manufactured home parks; placement of recreational vehicles
Administration and Enforcement
154.055 Community Development Director
154.056 Permit requirements
154.057 Board of Adjustment and Appeals
154.058 Conditional uses
154.059 Non-conforming uses
154.060 Violations
154.061 Amendments