The primary purpose of public streets and rights-of-way is the free and unobstructed right of travel. The city recognizes that the use of public streets and rights-of-way for valet parking operations, while providing a public benefit, may impede travel, interfere with rights of others using the streets and rights-of-way, and may affect the public safety and create a public nuisance. The city may therefore permit and restrict valet parking operations as a special privilege, not as a matter of right. The approval of any permit under this chapter for the use of the public right-of-way is on a temporary and nonpermanent basis and is for a nonexclusive use of that public right-of-way. Permittees shall have neither property interest in nor any entitlement to the granting or continuation of any permit for the use of any public right-of-way.
(`83 Code, § 5.92.010) (Ord. 2000-27 § 2, 2000)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
APPLICANT. The operator of the valet parking business or one who applies for a permit to do so.
COMMITTEE. The Development Review Committee.
DIRECTOR. The Director of Community Development or the Director's designee.
PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Any area dedicated for public use as a public street, pedestrian way, or other thoroughfare, including but not limited to roadways, parkways, alleys, sidewalks, and pedestrian ways.
VALET PARKING. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in, conducting or managing the parking of other person's motor vehicles, whether or not such persons are employed by, or under contract to the business for which the vehicles are being parked.
(`83 Code, § 5.92.020) (Ord. 2000-27 § 2, 2000)
Commercial businesses in the geographic area that is bounded by the south side of Palm Avenue, the north side of Olive Avenue, the west side of Ivy Avenue, and the east side of Primrose Avenue and the east side of Myrtle Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Palm Avenue may apply for a valet parking permit pursuant to this chapter. These regulations do not apply to valet parking conducted entirely on private property.
(`83 Code, § 5.92.030) (Ord. 2000-27 § 2, 2000)