5.52.010 Defined.
5.52.020 Permit—Required, specified persons excepted.
5.52.030 Permit—Application, information required, subsequent inquiry and issuance.
5.52.040 Location restrictions—Residential area—Consent required.
5.52.050 Location restriction—Proximity to school property.
5.52.060 Location restriction—When caring for contagious diseases—Limitation on proximity to dwelling.
5.52.070 Open to inspection—Authority to inspect—Violations to result in revocation of permit.
5.52.080 Violation—Penalty.
For the purpose of this chapter a
HOSPITAL shall mean any institution or place used for the reception or care, temporary or continuous, of two or more sick, injured or dependent persons, or used for the treatment of two or more persons suffering from or afflicted with any mental or physical disease or bodily injury, including all hydropathic and massage institutions.
(`83 Code, § 5.52.010)
It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the regularly constituted authorities of the United States, the state, the county or the city, to open, conduct, manage or maintain any hospital as defined in this chapter within the corporate limits of the city without first having obtained a permit in writing from the City Council so to do, as provided in this chapter.
(`83 Code, § 5.52.020)