5.32.010 Definitions.
5.32.020 Permit—Required—Application requirements.
5.32.030 Permit—Time for action on application—Issuance.
5.32.040 Permit—Contents.
5.32.050 License—Requirements—Fee—Term.
5.32.060 Insurance or bond—Required—Filing.
5.32.070 Permit or license nonassignable.
5.32.080 Applicability of chapter to owners.
5.32.090 Driver's permit—Requirements—Voluntary surrender.
5.32.100 License fee.
5.32.110 Maintaining and fixing time schedule required.
5.32.120 Revocation or suspension of permits.
5.32.130 Council authority to make rules—Violation prohibited.
5.32.140 Violation—Penalty.
For purposes of this chapter, the terms set out in this section shall have the following meanings:
CORPORATION. A corporation, a company, an association and a joint-stock association.
DRIVER. The person operating a motorbus.
MOTORBUS. Every automobile, jitney bus, stage and auto stage, and every other motor-propelled vehicle owned, controlled, operated or managed for public use in the transportation of persons for compensation over a regular and defined route in the city, whether operated wholly or partly within the city, and in which passengers are received and from which passengers are discharged along the route traversed by such vehicle; provided, that so-called taxicabs, so-called sightseeing buses, so-called hotel buses, as customarily operated, and street and inter-urban railroad cars, shall not be deemed included in the term as used in this chapter.
OWNER. Every person or corporation, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning or controlling any motorbus.
PERSON. An individual, a firm and a copartnership.
PUBLIC STREET. Every public street, avenue, road, boulevard or highway in the city.
(`83 Code, § 5.32.010)
It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to operate, or cause to be operated, any motorbus for the transportation of persons for compensation over a regular and defined route in the city unless a permit from the Council and a license have first been secured as provided in this chapter. Application for such permit shall be made by such owner to the Council. Such application shall be in writing, verified by the applicant and shall specify the following matters:
(A) The name and address of the applicant and the address of its officers, if any;
(B) The public street or streets over which, and the fixed termini between which the applicant intends to operate;
(C) A brief description of each vehicle which the applicant intends to use, including the seating capacity thereof;
(D) A proposed time schedule;
(E) A schedule of tariff showing the fares proposed to be charged;
(F) Such additional information as the Council may require.
(`83 Code, § 5.32.020)
The Council shall act on such application within 30 days after the same is filed. If the Council shall decide that the public convenience and necessity require the granting of such application, the Council shall issue the permit as prayed for or may issue the same with modifications and upon such terms and conditions as in its judgment the public convenience and necessity may require.
(`83 Code, § 5.32.030)
Each permit issued shall contain the following matters:
(A) The name of the grantee;
(B) The public street or streets over which and the fixed termini between which the grantee is permitted to operate;
(C) A brief description of the motorbus and a statement of the maximum seating capacity thereof which the grantee is permitted to operate;
(D) The term for which the permit is granted, which term shall be for the same period as the term of the license to be procured as provided in § 5.32.050;
(E) Such additional matters as the Council may deem necessary or proper to be inserted in the permit.
(`83 Code, § 5.32.040)