   (A)   I.C. 5-11-1-27(j) requires that erroneous or irregular material variance, losses, shortages, or thefts of political subdivision funds or property, shall be reported immediately. State Board of Accounts Examiner Directive 2015-06 directs each political subdivision (Town of Monon) to determine its own policy on materiality; and in compliance with such directives the Monon Town Council has implemented the following:
      (1)   The Monon Town Council calls upon the Clerk-Treasurer and all town officials, employees, and agents to enforce and comply with the policy on materiality and process for reporting material items and to report noteworthy items to the Town Council and to report the same to the State Board of Accounts. The Monon Town Council of directs that the Town Council, town employees and agents, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall monitor compliance with the policy on materiality at the regularly scheduled Town Council meeting after the discovery of any violation of said materiality policy and shall continue to monitor the compliance until such violation is rectified.
      (2)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall, when an irregular variance, loss, shortage, or theft is determined material according to the town's policy on materiality, report the incident to the State Board of Accounts.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   (A)   Personal conduct. The policies contained in this chapter and throughout the Town of Monon Personnel Policies Handbook apply to all Town of Monon employees, except when in direct conflict with special employment conditions set forth by various statutes governing employment relationships.
   (B)   To maintain a safe and productive work environment, the town expects employees to be reliable and to be punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on other employees and on the Town of Monon. Poor attendance and excessive tardiness are disruptive. Either may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
   (C)   In the rare instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled, they should notify their department head at least one hour in advance of the anticipated tardiness, or absence, or as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. Contacting a fellow employee is not counted as notification; the contact must be made with the department head.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   (A)   Excessive tardiness/absenteeism is defined as time late for reporting to your assigned workstation after your scheduled start time either at the beginning of the shift, after meal periods, or after some other excused time off from work, up to one hour per incident.
   (B)   At the discretion of the department head, compensatory time may be used for payroll purposes; however, the incident will still be documented as a tardy.
   (C)   Three tardies in any consecutive 90 day period will result in a verbal warning placed in personnel file.
   (D)   Five tardies will result in a written warning placed in personnel file.
   (E)   Seven tardies will result in a three day suspension without pay and written warning placed in personnel file.
   (F)   Nine tardies will result in any appropriate discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   (A)   Unexcused absence is defined as an absence from work after all vacation, compensatory time, and sick time has been utilized, or prior approval of the department head was not received.
   (B)   One unexcused absence will result in a written warning placed in personnel file.
   (C)   Two unexcused absences within a consecutive 90 day period will result in any appropriate discipline, up to and including termination of employment unless the department head determines the unexcused absence was "unavoidable", then written warning placed in personnel file.
   (D)   Three unexcused absences will result in any appropriate discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   (A)   An absence or tardy is considered excused if:
      (1)   Supervisor has been notified, in person, in advance, or in a timely manner and has granted permission for tardiness or absence.
      (2)   Emergencies that are backed by:
         (a)   Documentation; and/or
         (b)   Bad weather or natural hazard;
   (B)   Vacation time, bereavement leave, jury duty, or military leave is not counted against an employee's attendance record; however, sick time in which the supervisor has been duly notified can be an excused absence.
   (C)   All requests for foreseeable time off, such as, but not limited to, vacation, bereavement, illness, or compensatory time must be requested to the department head via the internal departmental "Time Off Request" form, or any approved departmental request form, at least 24 hours prior to absence when possible.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
§ 33.119 DRESS CODE.
   (A)   All town employees must wear clothing or name tags identifying them as town employees. All shirts must have over the shoulder sleeves. Shorts (must have hem), blue jeans, or work pants must be appropriate and clean. The department head is responsible for evaluating the dress and appearance of employees under his/her supervision.
   (B)   If an employee is not dressed appropriately, the department head will take the following steps:
      (1)   First offense. Verbal warning will be given, and the dress code reviewed. Nonexempt employees who are not dressed in appropriate clothing during working hours will be sent home to change into the appropriate clothing without pay.
      (2)   Second offense. Employee will be sent home to change immediately as well as given a written warning. Nonexempt employees who are not dressed in appropriate clothing during working hours will be sent home to change into the appropriate clothing without pay.
   (C)   Further violations will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)