§ 33.096 SMOKING.
   (A)   This policy applies equally to all elected officials/department heads, employees, and visitors.
   (B)   Definitions. For the purpose of this policy:
      SMOKING. Inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, e-cigarette, or other apparatus used to smoke tobacco or any other organic or non-organic material.
      TOBACCO PRODUCT. Any product made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, this includes, among other products, cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, and smokeless tobacco.
   (C)   In keeping with the town's intent to provide a safe and healthy work environment, the use of any tobacco products and/or smoking of any substances in town owned or leased buildings, vehicles, property, and any buildings, vehicles, property is prohibited.
   (D)   Supervisors will discuss the issue of taking breaks with their staff, both smokers and non-smokers.
   (E)   Together they will develop effective solutions that do not interfere with the productivity of the staff.
   (F)   Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)