§ 33.090 WORK RULES.
   (A)   Working conditions. The policies contained in this chapter and throughout the Town of Monon Personnel Policies Handbook apply to all Town of Monon employees, except when in direct conflict with special employment conditions set forth by various statutes governing employment relationships.
   (B)   Work rules.
      (1)   The work rules set forth below have been established by the town to ensure that all employees are provided with a safe, orderly, and productive work environment. They describe certain acts that have been determined to be violations of acceptable work behavior. Employees are expected to read these rules carefully and to conduct yourself accordingly. The town will endeavor to follow the procedures set forth below. Alleged violations of the rules will be investigated to see if they are supported by facts. Employees will be given the opportunity to present their side of the incident before final disciplinary action is taken. When it is determined that the work rules have been disregarded or violated, employee will be subject to one of the following forms of disciplinary action: a verbal warning, a written warning, a final written warning, or discharge.
      (2)   These work rules do not constitute an exhaustive list of all the acts that will subject an employee to disciplinary action. No set of work rules can cover all situations and the penalties may be waived or increased depending on the particular facts involved. They do cover the most common types of employment misconduct. Cases of unacceptable work behavior not covered by these rules will be handled on an individual basis, subject to such penalties as the Town Council may deem appropriate for the type of misconduct involved. Employees should note that an accumulation of offenses over a period of time that have not been corrected, even though unrelated, is unacceptable. Accordingly, it is the town's policy to discharge any employee who has been disciplined on three previous occasions during any 12 month period whether because of specific work rule violations, unsatisfactory job performance, other misconduct, or any combination thereof.
   (C)   Work violations. Employees who commit any of the following acts, which have been determined to be violations of acceptable work behavior, will be subject to corrective disciplinary action through the procedures established for performance management.
      (1)   Exceeding time limits on break (15 minutes) or meal periods (60 minutes) or taking break or meal periods other than the designated times without proper authorization.
      (2)   Stopping or leaving work before the end of a scheduled work period without proper authorization.
      (3)   Sleeping, loafing, or wasting time during a scheduled work period.
      (4)   Using work hours for personal matters. This includes making or receiving excessive non-emergency personal telephone calls during scheduled work periods.
      (5)   Directing profane, abusive, insulting, or threatening language at a fellow employee.
      (6)   Creating disharmony among employees or interfering with other employees on the job.
      (7)   Working time is for work. Solicitation by employees is prohibited during the working time of the solicitor and the employee being solicited. Distribution of literature by employees, including handbills, leaflets, circulars, or other matter is prohibited in any working area. WORKING TIME means the time when you are scheduled to work as opposed to mealtime breaks, etc.
      (8)   Posting materials on bulletin board without the prior approval or defacing, marking, damaging, destroying, or removing materials posted on the bulletin board authorized by management.
      (9)   Failure to observe safety rules or regulations or engaging in any other unsafe or unhealthful conduct.
      (10)   Engaging in conduct which violates the town's policy concerning business ethics and conflicts of interest.
      (11)   Failures to report any work-related injury or accident no matter how minor.
      (12)   Poor workmanship, low productivity, or substandard performance.
   (D)   Serious work violations. Employees who commit any of the following acts, which have been determined to be serious violations of acceptable work behavior will be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, for the first offense.
      (1)   Insubordination, including failure or refusal to promptly carry out the orders or instructions of the department head or Town Council while on duty or on town property.
      (2)   Provoking or engaging in a fight while on duty or on town property.
      (3)   Threatening physical harm to a supervisor, member of management, citizen, or fellow employee.
      (4)   Directing profane, abusive, insulting, or threatening language at a supervisor, member of management, fellow employee, or citizen.
      (5)   Destruction, damage or abuse of town property or the property of other employees, or citizens.
      (6)   Theft of town property or the property of other employees or citizens, or the unauthorized use or possession of any such property.
      (7)   Possession, display or use of explosives, or other dangerous weapons while on duty or on town property unless your job specifically requires such use or possession. Per Indiana State law, legally owned firearms must be kept locked/secured in employee's personal vehicle.
      (8)   Using, possession, selling, distributing or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or controlled substances while on duty or on town property.
      (9)   Commission of any criminal offense (other than a minor traffic violation) while on duty or on town property, or commission of any criminal offense, which might adversely affect the employee's work or work relationships.
      (10)   Misrepresentation or omission of material facts on an employment application or any other document used to secure or retain employment with the town.
      (11)   Acts of dishonesty, including falsification or alteration of time sheets, production records, or any other documents used in connection with work.
      (12)   Punching/marking another employee's timecard or having another employee punch/mark your timecard.
      (13)   Encouraging or engaging in any unprotected work stoppage, slowdown, walkout, cessation of work or any other activity designed to restrict or delay the production, shipment, delivery or receipt of goods or services by the town.
      (14)   Engaging in acts of sexual harassment.
   (E)   The town recognizes that there are going to be times when employees have a problem or complaint that needs to be resolved. When an employee has a work-related complaint, he/she shall discuss the complaint with his/her department head. The employee and the department head shall make every effort to resolve the matter. If the matter does not get resolved, then the employee may take the problem to the Town Council.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   The security of employee property, the town's property, and the property of our citizens is a serious concern of the municipality. In the event of theft or suspected theft, the town will thoroughly investigate the matter. Law enforcement may be called to investigate such thefts. Any employee caught stealing will subject themselves to possible criminal prosecution and/or termination from employment with the Town of Monon.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   Use of town property such as tools, material, equipment, etc. without permission is strictly prohibited. Permission must be requested from the department head and the department head will communicate the request to the Town Council for approval. Town property cannot be used for personal profit. Failure to obtain approval for use of town property will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)
   (A)   The use of cellular phones and electronic devices while driving may present a hazard to the driver, other employees, and the public. This policy is meant to ensure the safe operation of town vehicles and equipment, and the safe operation of private vehicles while an employee is on work time conducting town business. This policy applies to all uses of cellular phones and communication devices, except for police officers, including, but not limited to, computers, text messaging, e-mail, electronic calendars, multi-media devices, and printers.
   (B)   Employees shall adhere to all federal, state, and local rules and regulations regarding the use of cellular phones and electronic devices while driving.
   (C)   Accordingly, employees shall not use cellular phones if such conduct is prohibited by law, regulation, or other ordinance.
   (D)   Employees, while driving a classified commercial vehicle, shall not send or read received text messages on personal or town-issued cellular phones.
   (E)   Employees should not use handheld cellular phones for business, or any purposes while driving, except for emergency personnel responding to emergency situations. Should an employee need to make or receive a business call while driving, he/she should locate a lawfully designated area to park and make or receive the call.
   (F)   Employees may use hands-free cellular phones to make or receive calls. Such calls should be kept short and should the circumstances warrant (such as heavy traffic or inclement weather), the employee should locate a lawfully designated area to park to continue the call.
   (G)   Employees, while operating commercial vehicles, as defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation, shall not engage in text messaging under federal law.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)