A. Public Utility Equipment: As required by statute the type or location of any poles, towers, wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals or any other similar distributing equipment of a public utility is exempt from the requirements of this title.
B. Agricultural District: The provisions of this title shall not be enforced so as to impose regulations or require permits with respect to land within an AG district used strictly for agricultural purposes or with respect to the erection, maintenance, repair, or extension of buildings or structures used or to be used entirely for agricultural purposes, except that all such buildings shall conform to the yard requirements, lot size requirements and building bulk limitations and sign provisions of this title. All nonagricultural uses in the AG district shall be in full compliance with the provisions of this title.
C. Underground Installations: Pipe lines and other underground installations, to the extent that the same are completely buried beneath the surface of the soil, are exempt from the requirements of this title, provided that any incidental or associated structures, installations or equipment except markers used in connection with such pipe lines are subject to the provisions of this title.
D. Chimneys, Towers: Chimneys, parapet, walls, skylights, steeples, flag poles, smokestacks, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, water towers, stacks, stage towers or scenery lofts, tanks, ornamental towers and spires, wireless towers, radio transmission towers, radar installations, telescopes, military installations of the U.S. government, necessary mechanical appurtenances and television or other antennas may exceed the height limitations of this title.
E. Planned Developments: The board of trustees may approve a planned development including structures that exceed the height limitations of the district in which such uses are located.
F. Building Subject To Federal Aviation Regulations: No building or structure including those listed in subsections D and E of this section which are subject to notice under federal aviation regulations paragraph 77 shall be constructed until approved by the federal aviation administration. (Ord. 961, 2-12-1997, eff. 2-22-1997)