§ 52.045 METALS.
   (A)   All consumers in the metal machining, plating, coating, etching, smelting industries; industries in the battery cleaning business and consumers using chemical compounds with one or more metal salts, shall have a process in place that would enable recycling of or otherwise safe disposal of the metals or metal by-products prior to the disposal of the remaining fluid into the sanitary sewer. All contaminated wastes shall be hauled by a licensed hazardous waste hauler. Dilution of the liquid waste is not an acceptable nor effective means of treatment. The waste manifest generated by this activity shall be available for review by representatives of the village within 24 hours from the request.
   (B)   Discharges of metals, dissolved or in suspension, at concentrations which would cause the villages's POTW to violate its NPDES permit and/or its Class A sludge program are prohibited. Those consumers that are found to have contributed to the violation will be liable for all costs incurred for clean-up of the waste stream and any disposal costs of sludge and fluids that accumulate as a result of the violation. Concentration limits will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the consumer, the type of processing and the resulting by-products.
(Ord. 04-11-3, § 400.06, passed 6-7-05) Penalty, see § 52.999
   (A)   If any waters or wastes are discharged or are proposed to be discharged to the sanitary sewers, which waters contain the substances or possess the characteristics enumerated in §§ 52.044 and 52.045, or which in the judgment of the Village Council may cause the village to violate its NPDES permit and/or have a deleterious effect upon the wastewater treatment facilities, processes, equipment or receiving waters, or cause the water quality standards of the streams to be violated, or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the Village Council may:
      (1)   Reject the wastes that, in the opinion of the village, may be harmful to or exceed the capacity of the wastewater treatment facility.
      (2)   Require pretreatment, where necessary, in the opinion of the village, the user shall provide at his expense such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to:
         (a)   Reduce the BOD and the suspended solids loadings to a treatable limit.
         (b)   Reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents to within the maximum limits provided for in this chapter.
         (c)   Control the quantities and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes.
      (3)   Require the user to cover the costs of the additional expenses related to the treatment and/or clean-up as a result of the harmful substances.
   (B)   Plans, specifications and other pertinent information relating to proposed pretreatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the village. No construction of such facilities shall be commenced until such approval is obtained in writing and applicable permits and approvals have been obtained from federal and state agencies.
      (1)   Require control over the quantities and rates of discharge.
      (2)   Require payment to cover added cost of handling and treating the wastes not covered by existing sanitary sewer charges.
   (C)   In all such cases, special agreements or arrangements are authorized for the treatment and disposal of such wastes by other means to the extent that all federal, state, and local environmental laws, ordinances and regulations are complied with.
(Ord. 04-11-3, § 400.07, passed 6-7-05) Penalty, see § 52.999
   The village will use reasonable diligence in supplying a regular and uninterrupted sanitary sewer system, but shall not be liable for damages in case such service should be interrupted or fail by reason of an act of God, terrorism, accidents, strikes, legal processes, other governmental interferences, breakdowns, root intrusion, grease build-up, or injury to the machinery or wastewater collection pipes or mains of the village or for extraordinary repairs.
(Ord. 04-11-3, § 500.01, passed 6-7-05)
   (A)   The CONSUMER, as referred to throughout these General Rules and Regulations, is defined as the property owner, inasmuch as the property owner is, according to law, responsible for payment of all bills and is owner of the necessary piping and connections of his or her premises.
   (B)   All water that passes through the meter installed in the service line that supplies the consumer shall be charged as wastewater and paid for by the consumer, whether actually used or consumed by the consumer or whether wasted or lost by leakage of consumer's piping or equipment. This does not apply to properly approved and installed non-sewered meters, which are billed for water usage only.
   (C)   The consumer shall be responsible for any tampering, interfering with or breaking of the seals of meters or other equipment of the village installed on the consumer's premises, and will be held liable for same, including any illegal diversion of water according to law.
   (D)   The consumer agrees that no one except the employees of the village shall be allowed to make any internal or external adjustments to any meter or any other piece of apparatus which is the property of the village. The consumer also agrees to notify the Utility immediately after or prior to any changes in the usage, piping or plumbing connected to a non-sewered meter. The non-sewered status of such meter (or any new installation) is strictly contingent on the village's approval.
   (E)   Only authorized employees of the village shall have the authority to turn the water service on or off at the curb valve and no other person shall be permitted to such water on or off without first having approval of the village.
   (F)   If a blockage occurs on the building sewer between the consumer's building and the sewer main, the property owner shall repair same. The village is only responsible for the main sewer line and the connection point to it or wye branch. If it is deemed the village's responsibility then the repair will be made in a reasonable time considering weather, traffic, workload, notification of utility protection services prior to excavation, scheduling of outside contractors, and the like. If, upon excavation, it is determined that the property owner's service line is blocked, broken or that an illegal connection exists, then the property owner must reimburse the village for time and equipment used to repair, identify, and/or correct the problem.
   (G)   The village shall not be responsible for any inconvenience or damages caused by items.
   (H)   No person shall turn, lift, remove, raise, or tamper with any cover or any manhole, basin, inlet or other appurtenance of any public sanitary sewer without written authorization from the village.
   (I)   No person, other than one employed by the village and while on duty, shall enter any public sanitary sewer or appurtenance thereof, without written authorization from the village.
   (J)   No person shall break or damage any public sanitary sewer or appurtenance or part thereof.
(Ord. 04-11-3, § 500.02, passed 6-7-05) Penalty, see § 52.999