808.01 Short title.
808.02 Definitions.
808.03 Grant of authority.
808.04 Compliance with applicable laws and ordinances.
808.05 Franchise territory.
808.06 Franchise term; expiration.
808.07 Franchises to be nonexclusive.
808.08 Written notice required.
808.09 Repair of streets and property.
808.10 Construction and use of facilities.
808.11 Indemnification of village.
808.12 Compliance with applicable laws.
808.13 Notice of rate increases.
808.14 Liability insurance.
808.15 Performance standards.
808.16 Subscriber complaints.
808.17 Transfer or assignment of franchise.
808.18 Franchise renewal.
808.19 Revocation of franchise.
808.20 Revocation procedures.
808.21 Removal upon revocation.
808.22 Force majeure.
808.23 Maps.
808.24 Service area.
808.25 Unauthorized connections or modifications.
808.26 Franchise fee payments.
808.27 Separability.
808.99 Penalty.
“Property” defined to include cable television service, see § 606.01(o)
“Services” defined to include cable television service, see § 642.01(a), (r)
Theft of services, see § 672.01
Uses of rights-of-way, see Ch. 1477
Wireless telecommunications facilities, see Ch. 1478
Statutory reference:
Cable television contracts, see R.C. §§ 505.90 et seq.
Interrupting or impairing television service, see R.C. § 2909.04
Regulation of political broadcasts, see R.C. § 3599.09