(A) How issued. No license and/or permit shall be granted unless by order of the Council except the City Clerk/Treasurer may issue the license and/or permit on application being made at the rates herein specified by ordinance without further order, and to report the same to the next meeting of the Council; however the Clerk/Treasurer's authorization extends only to licenses and/or permits that have been previously issued. All initial licenses and/or permits shall be subject to Council approval; but no license may be issued by the Clerk/Treasurer until the applicant produces to the Clerk/Treasurer the receipt for the sum required to be paid for the desired license and/or permit.
(B) Application to congregations, meetings and assemblies. Any permits for congregations, meetings, and/or assemblies shall be subject to rules and regulations as set forth by the Council and shall be incorporated by reference as if set out in length herein.
(Ord. 430.2, passed - -)
(C) When expired. All licenses shall expire on December 31 next following the date of the issuance of the license, except as otherwise provided.
(1997 Code, § 222.200) (Ord. 2008-14, passed 11-17-2008)
(A) No license authorizing the sale of liquor and alcoholic beverages shall be issued until there has been paid to the city, the applicable license fee provided for in this section.
(B) The kinds and types of alcoholic beverage licenses that may be issued by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control under the provisions of KRS Chapter 243, and as may be amended from time to time and that is in effect at the time of submittal of an application, may also be issued by the city unless by the specific terms of applicable state statutes such license is not issuable in a city of the fourth class.
(C) For the issuance of the type of license listed below as is permitted by statute for the privilege of manufacturing, trafficking in and selling alcoholic beverages, payment shall be made to the City Clerk of a fee in the same amount as is permitted by statute but not to exceed the specified amount as set out by applicable statute and as may be amended from time to time and which is in effect at the time an application for a license is submitted, to-wit:
Fee and Renewal
(1) Quota retail package license (liquor/wine), per annum $570.00
(2) NQ2 retail drink license (liquor/wine) malt beverage included, per annum $830.00
(3) Special temporary license, per event $50.00
(4) Special temporary distilled spirits and wine auction license $110.00
(5) Special Sunday retail drink license, per annum $520.00
(6) Quota retail drink license (including restaurant wine), per annum $620.00
(7) Caterer’s license, per annum $830.00
(8) NQ4 retail malt beverage drink license $210.00
Can add NQ retail malt beverage package license $50.00
(9) NQ retail malt beverage package license $210.00
Can add NQ4 retail malt beverage drink license $50.00
(10) Qualified historic site license $1,030.00
(11) Sampling license $110.00
(12) NQ3 retail drink license $310.00
(13) Hotel in-room license $110.00
(14) For any other license for which an applicant may apply but that is not specifically mentioned hereinabove, the local government license fee shall be equal to but shall not exceed the amount set forth by statute and as may be amended from time to time.
(D) The license fees set forth in division (C) for the kinds of city local government licenses and as may be amended from time to time shall be effective upon publication.
(E) Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit an applicant from being required to obtain multiple licenses from the city due to the nature and type of its business. No license permitted to be issued by statute in cities of the fourth class shall be issued unless the applicant desiring such privilege has met the requirements as set forth in KRS Chapters 241 through 245 necessary to obtain a license from the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
(F) The Clerk is authorized to issue such license as is provided for in division (C) upon payment of the applicable license fee therein stated.
(G) All alcohol beverage license fees shall begin July 1 of any year and shall terminate June 30 following the date of issuance. Any license issued after October 31 of any year shall be assessed a fee that is based on the pro rata of the remainder of the license period; however, the cost of any license shall not be less than 1/2 the amount of the full fee for an annual license of the type for which applied.
(H) Before any person is granted a license, the person shall file with the city a good and solvent bond approved by the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the city in the penal sum of $500.00 or as otherwise is required by statute, and as may be amended from time to time, on the condition that the licensee will not suffer or permit any violation of the provisions of KRS and that all fines and penalties that shall accrue during the time the license shall be in effect will be paid together with all costs taxed or allowed involving any action or proceeding brought or instituted for a violation of any of the provisions of the alcoholic beverage statutes and regulations pertaining thereto.
(I) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section or § 34.055 shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 34.999.
(Ord. 2009-008, passed 6-15-2009; Am. Ord. 2012-003, passed 2-20-2012; Am. Ord. 2013-11, passed 11-4-2013) Penalty, see § 34.999
(A) Hotels, motels and inns shall be entitled to apply for a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises so long as they contain not less than 50 sleeping units and have dining facilities for not less than 100 persons or if a bona fide restaurant it is open to the general public having dining facilities for not less than 100 persons. Each establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises shall be subject to imposition of a regulatory license fee upon the gross receipts of its business on an annual basis at a rate as shall be reasonably estimated to reimburse the city or county for the estimated cost for any additional policing, regulatory or administrative related expenses. This regulatory license fee shall be in addition to any other taxes, fees or licenses permitted by law but a credit against the fee shall be allowed in an amount equal to any license or fees imposed by the city pursuant to § 34.054.
(B) Retail malt beverage licensees may sell beer on Sundays by the drink or by the package within the times allowed in § 114.07(B).
(Ord. 2012-003, passed 2-20-2012)
(A) A license tax of $2 for each dog kept within the city shall be paid annually by each person owning, controlling or having a dog in possession, the license tax to be paid to the Chief of Police, who shall give to the person so paying the same a metal tag or other proper receipt so marked as to designate the year for which the tax is paid, and the Chief of Police shall keep a record of the names of all persons so paying the license tax.
(B) Any person who shall harbor, conceal or confine any such animal mentioned in the preceding section for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the license tax shall be subject to the provisions of § 34.999.
(1997 Code, § 222.212)