General Provisions
51.01 Definitions
Garbage Collection
51.15 Placement of garbage for disposal; prohibition
51.16 Collection procedure
51.17 Items excluded from collection
51.18 Service limited to garbage generated by subscriber
51.19 Permission required to deposit in private receptacle
51.20 Deposit in city-owned receptacles unless for public use
Solid Waste; Dumpsters
51.30 Solid waste disposal
51.31 Property owner to maintain dumpster
51.32 Hot embers, coals and hazardous waste prohibited
51.33 Placement of garbage and trash from premises
51.34 Permit required on rights-of-way
51.35 Placement in dumpster without permission
Rates and Charges
51.45 Garbage collection rates
51.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GARBAGE. Refuse and waste matters of all kinds, including wet garbage, ashes, discarded cans and other materials, excluding medical waste.
MEDICAL WASTE. Includes but is not limited to bodily fluids or items contaminated with bodily fluids, needles or other objects defined by federal regulations as a biological hazard.
SUBSCRIBER. Every household and business within the city limits lawfully receiving city garbage services.
(1997 Code, § 660.0) (Ord. 95-10, passed 12-18-1995)
No person shall dump, dispose of, leave or place or cause to be dumped or disposed of, left or placed upon the property of the city within any street right-of-way any trash, junk, debris, rubbish or any other waste material of any kind, except on designated days for garbage collection.
(1997 Code, § 660.0) (Ord. 95-10, passed 12-18-1995) Penalty, see § 51.99
(A) Residential garbage pickup within the city limits will be carried out once weekly by the contractor selected by the city and shall apply only to garbage placed in front of the subscriber’s residence.
(B) Business garbage pickup within the city limits will be carried out twice weekly by the contractor selected by the city and shall apply only to garbage placed in front of the establishment, except as otherwise authorized by the City Clerk/Treasurer.
(C) All garbage shall be deposited for collection between the sidewalk and curb line of the subscriber’s property and not in the city streets.
(D) Residential and business garbage customers shall not deposit garbage or recycling for collection earlier than 5:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled day for collection.
(E) Residential customers shall remove garbage receptacles from the city's right-of-way in front of their residence within 24 hours of collection. Business garbage customers shall remove garbage receptacles from the city's right-of-way in front of their establishment no later than 10:00 a.m. the day of collection, or immediately following collection if collection is later than 10:00 a.m.
(F) Medical waste of each and every type shall be excluded from city collection.
(1997 Code, § 660.0) (Ord. 95-10, passed 12-18-1995; Am. Ord. 2005-05, passed 6-6-2005; Am. Ord. 2009-01, passed 2-2-2009; Am. Ord. 2009-20, passed 10-5-2009)
The following items shall be excluded from the city's garbage collection service:
(A) Liquid waste, sewage, human waste, rocks, dirt, tires, oil, batteries or paint in liquid form;
(B) Refuse left over from building construction or demolition;
(C) Large appliances or items of furniture, including but not limited to hot water heaters, refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, dryers and sofas; and
(D) Any material that is beyond the physical safety limitations of the city's garbage contractor.
(1997 Code, § 660.0) (Ord. 95-10, passed 12-18-1995)
Garbage collection services provided by the city shall be limited to that garbage generated by a subscriber household or business at the subscriber's household or business establishment. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit garbage not generated by a subscriber household or subscriber business for city collection.
(1997 Code, § 660.0) (Ord. 95-10, passed 12-18-1995) Penalty, see § 51.99