General Provisions
116.01 Legislative findings, intent and authority
116.02 Licenses required
116.03 Authority to promulgate rules
116.04 Fees for licenses; non-transferability
116.05 Expiration date of licenses
116.06 Definitions
116.07 Exceptions and exclusions
116.08 Display of licenses
116.09 Advertisement
116.10 Required records
116.11 Supervisor
116.12 Requirements for licensure of body works personnel
116.13 Requirements for licensure of body works establishment
116.14 Employee and independent contractor restrictions
116.15 Sanitation and decency code
116.16 Facilities
116.17 Criminal background check
116.96 Suspension and revocation of license
116.97 Public nuisance
116.98 Civil injunction
116.99 Penalty