1254.01 Purpose; application.
1254.02 Permitted buildings and uses.
1254.03 Accessory buildings and uses.
1254.04 Area, yard and height regulations.
1254.05 Yards.
1254.06 Landscaping.
1254.07 Dwelling unit area requirements.
1254.08 Parking spaces and/or garages.
1254.09 Projections into yards.
1254.10 Approval of site development plans.
General provisions and definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1240
Administration, enforcement and penalty - see P. & Z. Ch. 1242
Variances - see P. & Z. 1244.05
Zoning districts generally - see P. & Z. Ch. 1250
Nonconforming buildings and uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1276
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1280
Signs - see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
Attaching of apartment numbers and displaying tenant names required - see B. & H. 1446.03
Swimming pool construction - see B. & H. Ch. 1456
(a) The purpose of this chapter is to enumerate the minimum zoning requirements for planned garden-type and elderly apartment developments.
(Ord.80-0-21. Passed 10-14-80.)
(b) To achieve the type of development desired under the regulations enumerated in this chapter, approximately four acres in a single parcel should constitute a reasonable minimum size land area for the type of planned district.
(c) The rules and specifications set forth in this chapter are designed to provide an open type of residential land use with medium dwelling unit densities. This type of development will constitute a benefit to the existing area and stimulate future development of the community.
(d) These regulations are confined solely to rental units and shall not apply to group, apartment or row housing developments in which the individual dwelling units are owned by their occupants.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)
The following buildings and uses are permitted in the Garden-Type and Elderly Apartment District:
(a) Garden-type apartments; and
(b) Apartments for the elderly. Apartments for the elderly are Permitted only within the area known as the ARTARP Site, as further indicated on the Zoning Map, and as set forth in Appendix A of this Zoning Code. (Ord.80-0-21. Passed 10-14-80.)
The following accessory buildings and uses are permitted in the Garden-Type and Elderly Apartment District:
(a) Private parking and garage facilities for automobiles accessory to multifamily dwellings; and
(b) Private garden and recreational uses, including structures, pools, fences and walls related thereto.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79; Ord.80-0-21. Passed 10-14-80.)
Land and buildings shall be used in accordance with the lot area regulations and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in accordance with the yard and building height regulations set forth in this section.
(a) Main Uses.
(1) The minimum total lot area shall be approximately four acres, except in the elderly apartment area where it shall be one acre.
(2) The maximum permitted dwelling unit densities shall be as follows:
Lot Area (Acres) Dwelling Units Per Net Acre*
A. First two 12
B. Next three 14
C. Next five 16
D. Above ten 17
E. Elderly apartment area 40
* "Net acre" excludes all dedicated portions within the area of the apartment project.
(3) The width at the front building line shall be at least 125 feet.
(4) The front setback from the right of way or the perimeter lot line shall be at least fifty feet.
(5) The side and rear yard widths for one-story buildings shall be as follows, adding five feet for each additional story or portion thereof, up to a maximum of three stories:
Type of Side Width (Ft.)
A. One side (no drive or parking) 25
B. One side with drive (two-way) 48
C. One side with drive (one-way) 40
D. One side with drive (two-way
plus one side ninety-degree parking) 68
plus one side ninety-degree parking) 68
E. One side with drive (two-way
with ninety-degree parking two sides) 88
with ninety-degree parking two sides) 88
(6) The maximum building height shall be thirty-five feet, except in the elderly apartment area where it shall be forty feet.
(b) Accessory Uses.
(1) The minimum distances from the main building and rear property lines shall be as follows:
Type of Use | Minimum Distance from Main Building (Ft.) | Minimum Distance from Rear Property Lines (Ft.) | ||
Front and Rear Walls | Side Walls | Side | Rear | |
A. Drive or parking | 20 | 14 | 10 | 10 |
B. Walks | 16 | 10 | 6 | 6 |
(2) Play and/or recreation areas, including gardens, shall be at least thirty-five feet from any Residential District line.
(3) The maximum height of accessory uses shall be fifteen feet.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79; Ord.80-0-21. Passed 10-14-80.)
Apartment structures shall be designed in accordance with the following schedule of yard regulations:
Building Relationship *Minimum Yard Dimensions
(a) Front wall facing another front wall Two times the height of taller
across an open yard (where walls building
overlap less than fifty percent of the
length of longest building)
(b) Front wall facing rear wall across an Same as (a) open yard
(where walls overlap less
than fifty percent of the length of the
longest building)
(c) Rear wall facing rear wall Two times the height of taller
(d) Front or rear wall facing side wall **One and one-half times the
(where walls overlap less than fifty height of taller building
percent width of building) (corner to corner)
(e) Side wall facing side wall (where ***One and one-half times
walls overlap less than fifty per- the height of taller building
cent width of building) (side to side)
walls overlap less than fifty per- the height of taller building
cent width of building) (side to side)
* (1) The minimum distance between two parallel walls (a) and (b) which overlap fifty percent or more the length of the longest building shall increase to three times the height of the taller building.
** (2) The minimum distance front or rear walls facing side walls where walls overlap fifty percent or more shall increase to two times the height of the taller building.
*** (3) Side wall facing side wall where walls overlap fifty percent or more, the minimum distance between buildings shall be two times the height of the taller building.
The distance to accessory uses and permitted uses allowed between various faces of apartment buildings is covered in other sections.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)
(a) Intent. In order to promote and protect the public health, safety, convenience and general public welfare of the community, multifamily dwellings (over two dwelling units) shall be erected, altered, moved, maintained or used in accordance with the regulations set forth in this section.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)
(b) Area.
(1) The area of a dwelling unit shall be the sum of the gross floor areas of living space, excluding basements, porches, utility and general storage rooms, common halls, stairways and garages.
(2) The minimum area of a dwelling unit within the Garden-Type and Elderly Apartment District shall be not less than the following:
Type of Apartment Area (Sq. Ft.)
A. Efficiency (no bedroom) 500
B. One bedroom 650
C. Two bedroom 750
D. Three bedroom 850
E. Elderly (one bedroom) 565
F. Elderly (two bedroom) 845
Square footage shall be measured from the interior face of exterior walls and partition walls.
(Ord.94-0-18. Passed 2-14-95.)
(c) Concentration of Dwelling Unit Types. In the Garden-Type and Elderly Apartment District no apartment structure shall have a total number of dwelling units in excess of twelve dwelling units per apartment structure.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)
(a) Number. There shall be provided open, assigned parking spaces on the project site in the number of one and one-half spaces per dwelling unit, except in the elderly apartment area where the number shall be one-half of a parking space per dwelling unit. Completely enclosed garages may be provided in lieu of parking spaces, but the total number of garages and parking spaces shall be not less than the number required in this subsection.
(Ord.80-0-21. Passed 10-14-80.)
(b) Size.
(1) No parking space shall be less than 180 square feet in area (drives, curbs and turning spaces excluded). The minimum width shall be nine feet. Traffic moving areas between parallel parking spaces shall not be less than eighteen feet wide.
(2) If garages are provided, open parking spaces shall also be provided in the number of one-half space per dwelling unit.
(c) Location.
(1) No parking space or garage assigned to a dwelling unit shall be more than 250 feet from a building entrance housing such dwelling unit. No parking spaces shall be located between the public right of way and the exterior wall of a structure.
(2) Parking spaces may be permitted between buildings facing rear to rear and/or between buildings facing side to rear or between buildings and rear and side property. lines.
(d) Access Drives.
(1) Access drives shall be provided to service the parking spaces and permit egress of emergency vehicles. Access drives shall not be less than eighteen feet in width for two-way vehicular movement nor ten feet in width for one-way movement.
(2) The access drives and parking spaces shall be paved with a dustless permanent pavement (asphalt or concrete).
(3) Storage garages for private automobiles and maintenance of vehicles accessory to the apartment projects shall be wholly enclosed and may be permitted adjacent to the main structures, yet not nearer to the side or rear lot line than ten feet. Accessory parking areas may be permitted in basements of apartment structures, the provisions of Part Sixteen - the Fire Prevention Code permitting.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)