Land and buildings shall be used in accordance with the lot area regulations and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in accordance with the yard and building height regulations set forth in this section.
   (a)    Main Uses.
      (1)   The minimum total lot area shall be approximately four acres, except in the elderly apartment area where it shall be one acre.
      (2)   The maximum permitted dwelling unit densities shall be as follows:
         Lot Area (Acres)               Dwelling Units Per Net Acre*
         A.    First two            12
         B.    Next three            14
         C.    Next five            16
         D.    Above ten            17
         E.    Elderly apartment area      40
*   "Net acre" excludes all dedicated portions within the area of the apartment project.
      (3)   The width at the front building line shall be at least 125 feet.
      (4)   The front setback from the right of way or the perimeter lot line shall be at least fifty feet.
      (5)   The side and rear yard widths for one-story buildings shall be as follows, adding five feet for each additional story or portion thereof, up to a maximum of three stories:
            Type of Side            Width (Ft.)
         A.   One side (no drive or parking)   25
         B.   One side with drive (two-way)   48
         C.   One side with drive (one-way)   40
         D.    One side with drive (two-way
plus one side ninety-degree parking)               68
         E.    One side with drive (two-way
with ninety-degree parking two sides)            88
      (6)   The maximum building height shall be thirty-five feet, except in the elderly apartment area where it shall be forty feet.
   (b)   Accessory Uses.
      (1)   The minimum distances from the main building and rear property lines shall be as follows:

Type of Use
Minimum Distance from Main Building (Ft.)
Minimum Distance from Rear Property Lines (Ft.)
Front and
Rear Walls

Side Walls


A.   Drive or parking
B.   Walks
      (2)   Play and/or recreation areas, including gardens, shall be at least thirty-five feet from any Residential District line.
      (3)   The maximum height of accessory uses shall be fifteen feet.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79; Ord.80-0-21. Passed 10-14-80.)