165.02 PURPOSE.
   The Community Arts Commission shall plan and coordinate a community-wide cultural program which will encourage and expand cultural activities and enrichment opportunities throughout and into the community. The Commission shall seek to:
    (1)    Provide a continuing series of cultural events and experiences which make living in the community a source of pleasure and inspiration;
   (2)    Provide an active role in educating and motivating the citizens of Mentor to the value of the cultural arts;
   (3)    Significantly increase community involvement and interest in cultural activities;
   (4)    Coordinate all applicable community resources which would provide for a direct positive impact on community cultural enrichment;
   (5)    Utilize the arts as tools to enhance ethnic, historic and social traditions pertinent to the City; and
   (6)    Seek donations and other funding for cultural activities.
(1969 Code 33.81)