Comprehensive Stormwater Management
EDITOR’S NOTE: Pursuant to Ordinance 16-O-120, passed December 6, 2016, the City of Mentor Storm Water Management Program, dated December 6, 2016, and on file with the City Engineer, is hereby approved. A copy of which can be viewed in the offices of the City Engineer or the Clerk of Council.
1352.01   Purpose and scope.
1352.02   Definitions.
1352.03   Disclaimer of liability.
1352.04   Conflicts, severability, nuisances and responsibility.
1352.05   Development of Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plans.
1352.06   Application procedures.
1352.07   Compliance with State and Federal regulations.
1352.08   Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plans.
1352.09   Performance standards.
1352.10   Alternative actions.
1352.11   Easements.
1352.12   Maintenance and final inspection approval.
1352.13   On-going inspections.
1352.14   Violations.
1352.15   Variances to the provisions.
1352.99   Penalty.
Erosion and sediment control - see BLDG. Ch. 1353
Top soil, sand and gravel removal - see BLDG. Ch. 1355