(a)   Pre-Application Meeting: The City may require a Pre-Application meeting as needed to discuss the proposed project, review the requirements of this chapter, identify unique aspects of the project that must be addressed during the review process, and establish a preliminary review and approval schedule.
   (b)   Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan: The applicant shall submit a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan to the City Engineer in conjunction with the submittal of the final plat, improvement plans, or application for a building or zoning permit for the site. Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plans shall meet the requirements of Section 1352.08 and shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of the final plat and/or before issuance of a building permit.
   (c)   Review and Comment: The City Engineer shall review the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan submitted and shall approve or return it for revisions with comments and recommendations for revisions.
   (d)   Validity: Approvals issued in accordance with this chapter shall remain valid for the period the associated permit is valid.
(Ord. 23-O-001. Passed 1-3-23.)