Planned Developments shall have a variety of functional, well-designed and accessible dedicated common open spaces that enhance the quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors.
   (a)   In order to qualify as dedicated common open space required in Table 1158.06(a), area delineated on the site development plan shall be exclusive of public/private street rights-of-way, required spacing between buildings, required setbacks between buildings and streets, and other small fragments less than 25 feet in any direction.
   (b)   Dedicated common open spaces shall include a variety of characteristics from small intimate spaces to larger neighborhood and community uses, including but not limited to small parks and playgrounds to provide gathering spaces for neighborhoods, which are arranged and designed as part of an open space network connected to adjoining neighborhoods.
      (1)   A minimum of 0.5 acres or 20 % of the required dedicated common open space, whichever is greater, shall be centrally located and designed as an outdoor civic gathering space (i.e. commons, village green etc.)
      (2)   The remaining dedicated common open space shall be located to provide convenient accessibility, and include passive and active recreational amenities including, but not limited to, improved walking paths or trails, recreational facilities or structures, and related accessory uses.
   (c)   The dedicated common open space shall be designed to be accessible to all residents of the PD and function as such according to the following guidelines:
      (1)   At least 25% of the perimeter of a dedicated common open space block shall front on an internal road.
      (2)   Common area shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from residential building footprints in order to be classified as "dedicated common open space".
      (3)   Common area that functions as an extension of the rear yard of adjoining lots because of its size and/or lack of access shall not be counted as "dedicated common open space".
      (4)   Common area devoted to entrance features, retention ponds, and land within an easement that would typically not be included in a sublot in a standard subdivision shall not be counted as "dedicated common open space".
   (d)   The dedicated common open space shall be designed to preserve significant natural features within the PD to the extent practicable, provided that the range of dedicated common open spaces specified in Subsection 1158.07(b) is accommodated.
   (e)   Landscape Buffer. The required landscape buffer area set forth in Table 1158.08 (a) shall not be counted towards the minimum open space requirement, unless the Planning Commission determines that incorporating such area(s) will meet the criteria outlined in Section 1158.07 .
   (f)   All common area shall be designated on an Open Space Plan, on which the dedicated common open space area is clearly identified and labeled as to the area proposed and its function, such as: civic gathering space, park, recreation, walking path, preserved natural area, and passive open space.
   (g)   For all PD projects, the developer shall submit a perpetual maintenance plan for commonly owned civic gathering space, park, recreation, open space, parking and street areas. Such plan shall set forth the responsibility and financing of maintaining such areas, which shall not be the responsibility of the City. Said maintenance plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Law Director and Planning Director prior to the approval of the final site development plan.
      (Ord. 19-O-055. Passed 7-2-19.)