The mix of uses, dwelling types and densities permitted within a Planned Development (PD) Overlay District shall be as established in the approved preliminary and final site development plan, guided by the following criteria, except as may be modified elsewhere in this Chapter.
   (a)   Use Area Criteria:
      (1)   Mix of Use Categories in a Planned Mixed-Use Development (PMUD):
         A.   For PMUD projects there shall be at least three (3) different use categories included in the PD, as defined by the lettered rows (a) through (e) in Table 1158.05, one of which shall be residential.
         B.   For PMUD projects with a development area less than 40 acres, the area devoted to any one use shall not exceed 70% of the total development area. Conversely, the area devoted to any one use shall be no less than 5% of the total development area.
         C.   For PMUD projects with a development area greater than 40 acres, the area devoted to any one use shall not exceed 50% of the total development area. Conversely, the area devoted to any one use shall be no less than 5% of the total development area.
      (2)   Residential Use Mix in PMUD, PID and PRD Projects: 
         A.   For PMUD and PID projects, the areas of the project devoted to residential development are encouraged to include a mix of residential use types, as delineated in Table 1158.05.
         B.   For PRD projects, the areas of the project devoted to residential development shall provide a minimum of two residential use types as delineated in Table 1158.05, with the area devoted to any one use not to exceed 70% of the total number of units.
      (3)   Minimum Common Open Space Percentage. The percentage of area in a PD devoted to dedicated common open space shall not be less than the percentage set forth in Table 1158.06(a), based on the type of PD proposed.
      (4)   Gross Residential Density. The gross residential density of a PD shall not be greater than that set forth in Table 1158.06(a) based on the type of PD proposed.
Table 1158.06(a) Use Area Requirements.
Planned Infill
(1) Minimum Dedicated Common Open Space 1
Per site development plan
(2) Maximum Gross Residential Density of PD (units per acre)
Per site development plan
1 See Section 1158.07
   (b)   Flexibility in Density. The Planning Commission may approve a preliminary site development plan with greater density for a PD under the following specific situations:
      (1)   The PD is located adjacent to an existing multi-family, commercial or industrial district; and
      (2)   The Planning Commission determines that the increase in density is warranted when non-residential development is contrary to the City's planning policies; and the increased density will have no significant adverse impact on the adjacent properties compared to other reasonable uses that might be contemplated for the property.
         (Ord. 19-O-055. Passed 7-2-19.)