753.01 Purpose.
753.02 Definitions.
753.03 Permit required.
753.04 Application for permit.
753.05 Fees required.
753.06 Exemptions.
753.07 Investigation and issuance; notice of denial.
753.08 Expiration of permit.
753.09 Revocation of permit; appeal.
753.10 Display of permit.
753.11 Hours of business.
753.12 Sales from a vehicle.
753.13 Special regulations for temporary businesses.
753.14 Enforcement.
753.15 Prohibited acts by solicitors or charitable solicitors.
753.99 Penalty.
Home solicitation sales - see Ohio R.C. 1345.21 et seq.
Charitable solicitations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1716
Door to door sales activity of minors restricted - see Ohio R.C. 4109.21
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
Trespassing - see GEN. OFF. 541.05
(a) "Solicitor" or "door-to-door salesman" shall mean any person who sells or offers for sale by any verbal means, any goods, wares, merchandise, or services by traveling about the City in residential districts as defined by the zoning code.
(b) "Charitable solicitor" shall mean any person who requests donations, contributions, gifts, endorsements, signatures, or other valuable considerations or distributes flyers, books, information, or other objects in behalf of bona-fide tax-exempt organizations by traveling about the City in residential districts as defined by the zoning code. "Charitable or political solicitor" shall include persons promoting religious organizations or beliefs.
(c) "Temporary business" shall mean any place at which goods, wares, merchandise, or services are sold or offered for sale, other than from a permanent structure duly approved for such use; and further means roadside stands and locations established within building and enclosed malls, such as tables or booths, including those erected for special events and shows, at which goods, wares, merchandise, or services are sold or offered for sale or, advertised.
(d) "Responsible official" shall mean the Chief of Police in reference to Solicitor's Permits. It shall mean the Director of Planning in reference to Temporary Business Permits. (1969 Code 110.02; Ord. 18-O-075. Passed 9-4-18.)
Persons desiring to solicit within the City shall apply for Solicitor's Permits at the office of the Chief of Police. one application shall be made to authorize one or more persons to solicit within the City, provided that all such persons identified by the permit application are employed by the same person, firm, or corporation.
Persons desiring to operate temporary businesses shall apply for Temporary Business Permits at the office of the Director of Planning. one application shall be made to authorize one or more temporary businesses, provided that all such locations identified by the permit application are owned and operated by the same person, firm, or corporation. In the case of temporary businesses located in buildings or enclosed malls under the direction of a promoter or organizer of a show or special event, it shall be the responsibility of the promoter or organizer to apply for Temporary Business Permits.
The application for a Solicitor's Permit or Temporary Business Permit shall include the following information:
(a) The name(s) of the corporations, firm(s), or person(s) which the applicant proposes to represent; the name(s) of the person(s) who shall solicit or operate temporary businesses within the City and the name(s) of the person(s) having the management or supervision of the solicitors, or temporary businesses; the local and permanent addresses of the aforementioned person(s); and the telephone numbers at which such person(s) can be reached;
(b) The fingerprints and photographs of solicitors who shall go in or upon residential property, or ring a doorbell, or knock on a door of a private residence, including an apartment, not having been requested or invited to do so by the owner, occupant, or lessee of such private residence or apartment; or who shall conduct his business by walking or driving a vehicle on streets of a residential district;
(c) A brief description of the nature of the business and the kinds of goods, services, or property to be solicited or offered for sale by temporary businesses; and the manner in which such business shall be conducted;
(d) Evidence of a current vendor's license issued by the State of Ohio;
(e) The federal identification number of the applicant's business and the social security number(s) of the person(s) having the management or supervision of the business and of all solicitors, or employees of temporary businesses identified on the permit application;
(f) The place where and duration of time the applicant was last engaged or is currently engaged in business;
(g) The place(s) in the City where it is proposed to carry on the applicant's business and the length of time during which it is proposed that said business shall be conducted;
(h) For temporary businesses, written permission of the owner of the site, and a site plan showing ingress and egress from the site, parking areas, merchandise set backs, and locations of signs (except that temporary businesses located within buildings or enclosed malls shall not be required to provide such information for the purpose of this code);
(i) Whether or not the solicitors, or employees of temporary businesses named in the application have been convicted of a crime, misdemeanor, or the violation of any municipal ordinance, the nature of the offense, and the punishment assessed therefor;
(j) Credentials from the person, firm, or corporation for which the applicant proposed to do business, authorizing the applicant to act as such representative;
(k) Such other reasonable information as to the identity or character of the persons named in the application or the method or plan of doing the applicant's business as the Responsible Officia1 may deem proper to fulfill the purpose of this chapter in the protection of the public good.
(1969 Code 110.04; Ord. 18-O-075. Passed 9-4-18.)