Every solicitor, except those exempted pursuant to Section 753.06, while engaged in soliciting within the City, shall have in his immediate possession the Solicitor's Permit and badge issued to him under the provisions of this chapter, and when so soliciting shall wear the badge in a prominent location on his outer clothing and display the permit upon demand of any duly authorized representative of the Responsible Official and upon demand of any person to whom he is soliciting.
A Temporary Business Permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be posted in a conspicuous manner at every place of temporary business.
(1969 Code 110.10)
No person shall engage in or operate any roadside stand or other temporary business at any place in the City during the period from 9:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m., unless otherwise specified on the permit. No person shall engage in soliciting at any place in the City during the period from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m., unless otherwise specified on the permit.
(Ord. 10-O-21. Passed 4-6-10.)
It shall be unlawful for any person traveling about the City engaged in soliciting from a vehicle to:
(a) Operate a vehicle when under the age of eighteen (18) years.
(b) Operate a vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour or more when cruising neighborhoods or attempting to make a sale.
(c) Make a U-turn on any street.
(d) Operate the vehicle backwards in making or attempting to make a sale.
(e) Double park or park in any manner contrary to any ordinance relating to parking when attempting to make or making a sale.
(f) Permit any person except an employee to hang on the vehicle or permit any person except an employee to ride in or on the vehicle.
(g) Refuse to remove the vehicle from any street or public place in the City upon the request of a police officer when, in the opinion of the police officer, said vehicle is causing traffic congestion.
(h) Make or attempt to make a sale within a public park, or within 500 feet of any school, school yard or school playground during the hours when such school is in regular or special session, or for a period of one-half hour after the closing of such school.
(i) Make or attempt to make a sale within 100 feet of an intersection.
(j) Make or attempt to make a sale to any person standing in a street of the City.
(k) Make or attempt to make a sale from a side of a vehicle not closest to the nearest curb or berm.
(l) Cry his wares in a loud voice or use any noise producing device other than a soft chime, and the limit of audibility of his voice or chime shall not be more than 200 feet from the source of such sound.
(m) Sell or offer for sale, food, candy confections, frozen desserts or beverages unless the operator of the vehicle, is at all times, accompanied by a responsible adult whose sole duty it shall be to keep a look out for, and protect the safety of, children and other persons attracted to or proceeding to or from the location of the vehicle. (1969 Code 110.12)
No person shall operate a place of temporary business which:
(a) Violates the provisions of the zoning code of the City which governs setbacks of merchandise displayed for sale and the district in which such activities can be conducted or from a tent or other similar temporary structure without first obtaining a Conditional Use Permit from the Municipal Planning Commission;
(b) Exhibits signs of any kind which are in violation of the provisions of the sign code of the City;
(c) In any manner adversely affects the public health, safety or welfare.
In authorizing such outside displays, the Responsible Official may attach such reasonable conditions as he deems necessary including, but not limited to, the length of time such display may be permitted, the portions of the property used for display, provisions for parking, provision for adequate ingress and egress, and the posting of a deposit not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) to ensure compliance with City laws, including, but not limited to, the municipal income tax laws. (1969 Code 110.13)