(a)   Trees in residential zoning districts. Trees planted must be of a variety which is compatible with the existing soil and drainage-conditions and must be provided with adequate water and food materials to encourage growth. Trees shall be planted in locations so as not to cause danger to nor interference with existing structures at the time of maturity.
   (b)   Buffer and tree planting requirements for all non-residential and multiple family residential uses.
      (1)   A landscape buffer with a minimum of ten feet in width shall be provided between any residentially zoned property and a property utilized for a non-residential or multiple family residential use. Responsibility for providing a landscape buffer shall be upon the nonresidential or multifamily use. The landscape buffer shall include a minimum of one canopy tree for every 40 linear feet, or fraction thereof. In addition one ornamental tree or palm shall be planted for each 50 linear feet, or fraction thereof.
      (2)   A landscape buffer with a minimum of ten feet in width shall be provided along all road frontage of the site. The landscape buffer shall include a minimum of one canopy tree for every 25 feet of frontage, or fraction thereof.
      (3)   A continuous hedge shall be planted in all perimeter landscape buffer areas.
      (4)   Parking areas shall be designed so that there is a minimum of 200 square feet of open space, not including perimeter landscape buffer areas, at the end of each row of parking. In addition a minimum of 200 square feet of open space shall be provided in the interior of the parking lot for each ten parking spaces, or fraction thereof. These open spaces shall be distributed throughout the parking lot in a manner that no more than ten parking spaces in a row shall be allowed without an intervening landscaped area.
      (5)   Minimum specifications for trees and hedge material shall be as follows:
         a.   Canopy trees at the time of planting shall have a trunk diameter of two inches measured four and one-half feet above grade. The trees shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and have a minimum spread of five feet. The trees are not required to be spaced evenly along property lines.
         b.   Ornamental trees at the time of planting shall have a trunk diameter of one and one-half inches measured four and one-half feet above grade. The trees shall be a minimum of six feet in height and have a minimum spread of four feet.
         c.   Palms at the time of planting shall have a minimum clear trunk of eight feet.
         d.   Hedge material at the time of planting shall be a minimum of 18 inches in height when planted. Individual plants shall be planted a maximum of 24 inches on center.
      (6)   All plant material shall be Florida Number 1 in quality and shall be planted according to sound landscape installation standards.
      (7)   All landscaping shall be maintained to present a neat and orderly appearance. Dead, deteriorating or missing landscape material shall be replaced with substantially equivalent landscaping as permitted by the Land Development Code. Replacement of landscaping material shall occur within 60 days, unless said time is extended by the Town Manager for good cause shown.
      (8)   Exceptions shall be considered on an individual basis when obstacles such as overhead power lines or other conditions inhibit the ability to comply.
      (9)   Canopy trees shall be those that develop a crown spread of 25 feet or greater at maturity. Trees with less than 25 feet of crown spread at maturity shall be considered ornamental trees.
      (10)    Clusters of three palms shall be an acceptable substitute for up to 50% of the required canopy trees and 50% of the required ornamental trees.
      (11)   Landscape material should be drought tolerant to the extent practical and feasible. A water source shall be available to ensure the plant material can be watered while it is being established and during drought occurrence. Automatic irrigation systems may be utilized.
      (12)   Currently developed sites that do not meet the landscape requirements will not be considered non-conforming. Landscaping consistent with the regulations shall be installed at these sites, to the extent practical, as redevelopment occurs. Unless complete reconstruction or rehabilitation that results in closure of a building or buildings for a period of over six months occurs, full compliance with this section shall not be required.
   (c)   Minimum replacement standards for new construction. Any trees that are removed for new construction shall be replaced by the same or similar species. Specifically for mature oak trees, replacement of one (1) similar species for each tree removed shall be required which at a minimum will attain an overall height of at least twelve feet (12') and have a trunk caliper of at least two inches (2") at planting, measured four and one-half feet (4.5') above grade.
   (d)   Maintenance of trees and landscaping. If the removal of any tree or landscaping from any lot causes the number of remaining trees or vegetative species to fall below the minimum standards required by this section or as reflected on any approved site plan or landscaping plan for said lot, replacement trees or vegetative species meeting the requirements of this section or any approved site plan or landscaping plan shall be re- planted on the lot within thirty (30) days after removal.
(`75 Code, § 22-20) (Ord. 75-3, passed 5-27-75; Am. Ord. 87-13, passed 9-22-87; Am. Ord. 2008-08, adopted 9-3-08; Am. Ord. 2009-03, adopted 4-15-09; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17; Am. Ord. 2023-01, adopted 3-15-23) Penalty, see § 9A-12