No person, organization, society, association or corporation, or any agent or representative thereof, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove, move or effectively destroy through damaging any tree situated on property in any zoning district without first obtaining a permit as herein provided. Tree removal on any property in any zoning district shall be in accordance with the standards mandated in the most recent edition of the Best Management Practices - Tree Risk Assessment published by the International Society of Arboriculture or a certification from an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida licensed landscape architect as to substantial compliance with such standards. Any tree which poses an unacceptable risk may qualify for removal without a permit pursuant to Fla. Stat. § 163.045 or as such section may be amended
(`75 Code, § 22-19(a)) (Ord. 75-3, passed 5-27-75; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17; Ord. 2023-01, adopted 3-15-23)