§ 7A-153. HEARINGS.
   All hearings for special exceptions or variances before the Board of Adjustment shall be initiated by either:
   (1)   The owner or owners of at least 75% of the property described in the application;
   (2)   The tenant or tenants, with the owner's sworn-to consent;
   (3)   Duly authorized agents evidenced by a written power of attorney;
   (4)   Town Commission;
   (5)   Planning and Zoning Board; or
   (6)   Any department or agency of the Town.
('75 Code, Appendix A, Art. X, § 4) (Ord. passed 9-26-72; Am. Ord. 87-02, passed 5-12-87; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)