(a)   Any use for which a special exception has been approved by the Board of Adjustment shall be deemed to be a conforming use on the subject premises so long as the special exception is allowed in the zoning district as per this code.
   (b)   If a special exception use is eliminated from this code for the applicable zoning district, a previously granted special exception shall no longer be deemed to be a conforming use, but will henceforth be deemed to be a non-conforming use.
   (c)   Boundaries.
      (1)   No special exception shall be expanded or enlarged beyond the boundaries of the tract or parcel of land as specifically defined in the special exception without Board of Adjustment approval;
      (2)   Non-conforming uses in existence prior to October 31, 1990 (with or without an approved special exception) shall not be expanded or enlarged beyond the boundaries of the tract or parcel of land without Board of Adjustment approval.
   (d)   Structures.
      (1)   No structure constituting any part of any Board of Adjustment approved special exception may be expanded or enlarged without Board of Adjustment approval;
      (2)   No non-conforming structure which has been in existence prior to October 31, 1990 (with or without an approved special exception) may be expanded or enlarged without Board of Adjustment approval;
      (3)   Structures associated with special exceptions approved by the Board of Adjustment on or after October 31, 1990 shall not be expanded or enlarged without Board of Adjustment approval of the site plan.
   (e)   After January 1, 2015, all special exceptions approved by the Board of Adjustment shall be conditioned upon development and use consistent with the site plan accompanying the approved special exception.
(`75 Code, Appendix A, Art. V, § 8) (Ord. passed 9-26-72; Am. Ord. 90-9, passed 10-31-90; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17; Am. Ord. 2019-06, adopted 1-15-20)