(a)   Intent. The provisions of this district are intended to apply to lands operated for a public governmental use including Town lands and/or structures owned by or leased to the Town of Melbourne Beach. Such lands are intended to provide for public facilities, public assembly, and public recreational, educational, or cultural services to residents of and visitors to the Town.
   (b)   Principal uses and structures:
      (1)   Public buildings and activities, such as Town halls, public safety buildings, auditoriums, community centers, historic buildings, and similar uses.
      (2)   Public educational institutions.
      (3)   Public recreational uses.
      (4)   Libraries.
      (5)   Special event uses such as:
         a.   Town sponsored events.
         b.   Non-commercial exhibits or shows.
         c.   Private party, meeting, wedding or other private gatherings.
         d.   Non-commercial similar uses.
   (c)   Use of Town properties or other public lands by entities other than the Town.
   Except as may otherwise be limited by deed restrictions or other conditions attached to the use of Town lands or structures, the Town may rent, lease, or sublease such properties to others and may allow the use of such properties for special events under the following circumstances, conditions and limitations:
   A special event permit shall be required for any event held by an entity other than the Town of Melbourne Beach and such special event shall be governed by the definitions, application requirements, processes and regulations set forth in Chapter 52 of the Town's Code of Ordinances.
   (d)   Accessory uses and structures: Customary accessory uses of one or more of the principal uses clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use and in keeping with the intent of the district.
   (e)   Special exceptions: None.
   (f)   Prohibited uses:
      (1)   Any use which is not public in character.
      (2)   Drive-in, drive-up, drive through, or any other similar feature that provides for receipt of goods, services, food, money or information by a consumer while seated in a motor vehicle.
      (3)   Facility or base for mobile marijuana dispensary.
      (4)   Grow house.
      (5)   Marijuana dispensary.
      (6)   All other uses not specifically or provisionally permitted herein.
   (g)   Lot and structure requirements: None.
(`75 Code, Appendix A, Art. VI, § 9) (Ord. passed 9-26-72; Am. Ord. 2014-08, passed 10-29-14; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)