(a)   Intent. The provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area of low-density single- family residential development. Lot sizes and other restrictions are intended to protect and promote high-quality residential development.
   (b)   Principal uses and structures:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings.
      (2)   Home occupations (See § 7A-62).
      (3)   Electric Utility Substation.
      (4)   K-12 Schools.
   (c)   Accessory uses and structures: Structures clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use, such as patios, private docks, swimming pools, utility sheds, garages, playhouses and similar uses and structures.
   (d)   Special exceptions: Public recreation areas.
   (e)   Prohibited uses:
      (1)   Facility or base for mobile marijuana dispensary.
      (2)   Grow house.
      (3)   Marijuana dispensary.
      (4)   All other uses not specifically or provisionally permitted herein.
   (f)   Lot and principal structures, sizes, and setbacks:
      (1)   Minimum lot area, 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Minimum lot width, 90 feet (at front building line). Notwithstanding any provision of Article V, Chapter 7A, specifically including § 7A-83(3) to the contrary, single-family dwellings and previously permitted accessory structures located on lots that were divided before the year 2000 and/or built prior to September 26, 1972, shall be grandfathered in and shall be allowed to be rebuilt in the event of a disaster. Any such rebuilt single-family dwelling or accessory structures shall not exceed the established footprint, number of stories, or increase any nonconformity of the former single-family dwelling or accessory structures prior to the disaster. If any structure subject to this section had less than a 5/12 roof pitch prior to disaster, the structure may be rebuilt with a roof pitch not to exceed a 5/12 pitch, which shall not be deemed to increase any nonconformity of the structure pursuant to § 7A-83(l). Otherwise, structures shall be rebuilt using no greater than preexisting roof pitch.
      (3)   Minimum lot depth, 100 feet.
      (4)   Maximum lot coverage, principal structure, 30%.
      (5)   Minimum living area, 1,400 square feet including one-half of the garage area not to exceed 200 square feet, excluding porches.
      (6)   Maximum height of the building. Maximum height, 28 feet.
      (7)   Minimum yard requirements:
         a.   Front setback, 25 feet from lot line.
         b.   Side interior lot setback, 15 feet from lot line.
         c.   Side corner lot setback, 25 feet from lot line.
         d.   Rear setback, 25 feet from lot line.
      (8)   No structure shall have more than two stories.
      (9)   Minimum pervious area percentage per lot, 30%. Lots failing to meet the minimum pervious area percentage requirement on September 18, 2019 are deemed to constitute a non-conforming character of use subject to Section 7A-85(b).
   (g)   Supplementary regulations: As provided in §§ 7A-50 through 7A-72, and Chapter 9A.
(`75 Code, Appendix A, Art. VI, § 3) (Ord. passed 9-26-72; Am. Ord. 78-4, passed 3-14-78; Am. Ord. 85-7, passed 11-12-85; Am. Ord. 87-02, passed 5-12-87; Am. Ord. 90-04, passed 4-25-90; Am. Ord. 2004-01, adopted 9-15-04; Am. Ord. 2006-08, adopted 8-30-06; Am. Ord. 2014- 08, passed 10-29-14; Am. Ord. 2016-02, adopted 12-21-16; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17; Am. Ord. 2019-04, adopted 9-18-19; Am. Ord. 223-02, adopted 3-15-23)