(a)   Major structures.
      (1)   Major structures shall conform to the state minimum building code in effect in the jurisdiction.
      (2)   Major structures shall also be designed, constructed, and located in compliance with National Flood Insurance Program regulations as found in 44 C.F.R. Parts 59 and 60.
      (3)   Major structures shall, at a minimum be designed and constructed in accordance with the Florida Building Code, utilizing a wind speed zone of 160 miles per hour three-second gust.
      (4)   Foundation design and construction of a major structure shall consider all anticipated loads resulting from a 100-year storm event, including wave, hydrostatic, and hydrodynamic loads acting simultaneously with live and dead loads. Erosion computations for foundation design shall account for all vertical and lateral erosion and scour-producing forces, including localized scour due to the presence of structural components. Foundation design and construction shall provide for adequate bearing capacity taking into consideration the anticipated loss of soil above the design grade as a result of localized scour. The erosion computations required by this division (a)(4) do not apply landward of coastal construction control lines which have been established or updated since June 30, 1980. Upon request, the Department of Environmental Protection may provide information and guidance as to those areas within the Coastal Building Zone where the erosion and scour of a 100-year storm event is applicable.
   (b)   Nonhabitable major structures. Nonhabitable major structures need not meet specific structural requirements provided in division (a) of this section except for the requirements of division (a)(2) of this section and except for applicable provisions of the state minimum building code in effect in the jurisdiction. Such structures shall be designed to produce the minimum adverse impact on the beach and dune system and shall comply with any applicable state and local standards not found in this division. All sewage treatment plants and public water supply systems shall be floodproofed to prevent infiltration of surface water from a 100-year storm event. Underground utilities, excluding pad transformers and vaults, shall be floodproofed to prevent Infiltration of surface water from a 100-year storm event or shall otherwise be designed so as to function when submerged by such storm event.
   (c)   Minor structures. Minor structures need not meet specific structural requirements provided in division (a) of this section except for the requirements of division (a)(2) of this section and except for applicable provisions of the building code adopted in this Chapter 4A or by virtue of Florida law, in effect in the Town. Such structures shall be designed to produce the minimum adverse impact on the beach and dune system and adjacent properties and to reduce the potential for water or wind-blown material. Construction of a rigid coastal or shore protection structure designed primarily to protect a minor structure shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 86-3, passed 2-25-86; Am. Ord. 87-04, passed 3-10-87; Am. Ord. 2008-03, adopted 3-19-08; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)