The Building Official shall, at the request of the applicant, issue a concurrency evaluation finding of either non-deficiency or deficiency which shall be binding for the following development permits: site plan approval, subdivision plat (preliminary and final), and building permit. This evaluation shall occur at the time of official submittal.
(a) Timeframe validity of concurrency evaluation finding of non-deficiency.
(1) Site plan approval non-deficiency findings shall remain valid for the life of the site plan according to the site plan approval process.
(2) Subdivision plat non-deficiency findings shall remain valid for the total subdivision or a phase for which all required improvements have been approved by the Town and are to be installed within a one-year timeframe.
(3) Building permit non-deficiency findings shall remain in effect until the development has been completed or for the life of the building permit as established by the Town. The building permit must be issued within 60 days of the finding in order for the non-deficiency finding to remain valid.
(b) Concurrency evaluation findings.
(1) The Building Official shall use the concurrency evaluation parameters for each of the six public facilities in determining if a proposed project shall have either a non-deficiency finding or a deficiency finding.
(2) A non-deficiency finding shall be made if a proposed project is determined to be non-deficient for all six public facilities.
(3) A deficiency finding shall be made if the proposed project is deficient for any of the six public facilities. A deficiency finding shall negate the issuance of a final development order or force deferral of the issuance until a non-deficiency finding can be made.
(c) Cumulative records of level of service. The Town shall maintain records of the level of service allocations permitted by the binding concurrency evaluation procedure relative to the operating levels of service for the previously mentioned public facilities for which the town is responsible.
(d) DeMinimus project review. Upon receipt of an application for a final development permit for a DeMinimus project, the Building Official may approve a final development order after making a finding of non-deficiency.
(Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)