(a)   Generally. Unless otherwise provided, this Ordinance shall apply to all Development Orders.
   (b)   Previously-approved Development Orders.
      (1)   Existing Use. Any application for a Development Order on a parcel of land which is presently occupied and creating a demand on public facilities shall be subject to this chapter only for the portion of the new demand which exceeds the demand of the existing use for public facilities as determined in accordance with accepted engineering principles.
      (2)   Amendments to Development Order. Any Development Order amending a previously approved Development Order shall have as a condition that the requirements of this chapter shall be satisfied for any additional impacts in excess of the previously approved Development Order.
      (3)   Development Orders. Any application for an amendment to a Development Order which was issued after the effective date of this Code shall be subject to this chapter for any additional impacts in excess of the original Development Order.
   (c)   Non-applicability. This chapter shall not apply to the extent that any vested right is found to exist pursuant to Chapter 8A or as set forth herein.
(Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)