(a)   Every adult bookstore, adult motion picture theater, adult dancing facility or commercial physical contact establishment or any part thereof shall be restricted to property zoned within the 6-B Downtown Business District according to the zoning regulations of the Town.
   (b)   Any store or business in which access to all or part of the premises is prohibited to juveniles under this chapter, shall not be located within a 250-foot perimeter of any other such store or business or within a 250-foot perimeter of any commercial establishment where alcoholic beverages are possessed, consumed, purchased, sold, disposed, given away or otherwise distributed; churches; public or private schools, nursery schools, kindergartens, or day care centers; or public parks or playgrounds. The perimeters shall be measured from outside building line to outside building line, unless one or both establishments are located in a building containing more than one store or business, in which case the perimeters shall be measured from store wall to store wall.
(Ord. 85-4, passed 11-20-85)