10-6-1: Intent
10-6-2: Interpretation Of District Boundaries
10-6-3: Lots Of Record
10-6-4: Exceptions To Yard And Setback Requirements
10-6-5: Nonconforming Buildings, Uses And Land
10-6-6: Off Street Parking And Loading Requirements
10-6-7: Recreational Vehicles, Motor Vehicles, Trailers, And Garages Restricted
10-6-8: Violation; Penalty
The provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the general regulations of this title and to the special provisions and exceptions in this chapter so as to secure the intent of this title. In all cases of administration and enforcement of this title for which no other specific provision is made in this chapter and other provisions herein, the planning and zoning commission shall provide for the same by order, resolution or the adoption of a rule, regulation or bylaw, which provision shall be in accord with and consistent with the objectives and standards of this title. Uses not specified within use districts are prohibited unless determined by the planning and zoning commission or its authorized representative to be similar in nature to those specified. (Ord. 86, 8-19-1980)
Whenever any uncertainty exists as to the boundary of any district shown on any zoning map, the following rules shall apply:
A. Where any such boundary line is indicated as following a street, alley or public way, it shall be construed as following the centerline thereof.
B. Where a boundary line is indicated as approximately following a lot line, such lot line shall be construed to be such boundary line.
C. Where a boundary line divides a lot or crosses unsubdivided property, the location of such boundary shall be indicated upon the zoning map. (Ord. 86, 8-19-1980)
Any single lot or parcel of land, which was of record and a legal lot at the effective date hereof, but does not meet the requirements of the district in which it is located for minimum lot width and area, may be utilized if all other requirements of this title are met. (Ord. 86, 8-19-1980)