(a)    It is deemed desirable to have any and all proposed legislation or other matters requiring legislative action first brought to the attention of Council at an open Council meeting. Unless it is determined to suspend the Rules of Council in order to give immediate consideration to such proposed legislation or other matters, they shall be referred promptly to an appropriate committee pursuant to the provisions of Sections 111.10 and 111.11. No committee of Council need accept for consideration any proposed legislation or other matters which will ultimately require legislative determination unless the same has been first introduced in an open Council meeting.
   (b)    Any proposed legislation, or other matters which have been referred to and accepted by a committee of Council without first being introduced at an open Council meeting, shall be promptly reported to Council by the President of Council or by the chairman of such committee at the next meeting of Council, and any such matters so considered shall likewise be clearly reflected in the minutes of the committee in question. In no event shall any committee, or other formal councilmatic body, give consideration to matters which are not promptly made matters of public record pursuant to the provisions of these rules, unless the matters under consideration are of such a nature that a premature disclosure would be detrimental or prejudicial to the best interests of the City.
   (c)    Prior to each meeting, the Clerk of Council shall prepare an agenda, or written schedule of matters, to be brought before Council and shall cause a copy of the same to be delivered to each member of Council together with the full text of any proposed legislation at least seventy-two hours prior to each scheduled meeting. Such agenda or written schedule shall constitute the formal schedule on business to be considered by Council at its next meeting, and matters not included on such agenda shall not receive consideration by Council, except upon suspension of these rules. (1-4-88; 1-3-11.)
   (d)    Any proposed legislation or other matter which is to be placed on the agenda for action by Council shall be presented to the Clerk in a completed and final state not later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday preceding the meeting of Council. Legislation presented to Council shall not include an emergency clause. An emergency clause shall be added to legislation only upon a two-thirds vote of the membership of Council.
   Any requests for Council action which are to be placed on the agenda shall be presented to the Clerk in a completed and final state not later than 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the meeting of Council.
   (e)    The Clerk shall have the responsibility for the systematic and logical identification of proposed ordinances, resolutions and other matters to be considered by Council, and he or she may assign identifying numbers or designations to any such items which have been placed upon the agenda. He or she may also, at his or her discretion, and in order to facilitate record keeping, assign such identifying numbers or designations, or a different series of identifying numbers or designations, to any other matters which have been formally presented to Council or to a committee of Council, whether or not such matters have been placed on the agenda.
(Passed 1-6-14.)
   (f)    Any request to withdraw a rezoning ordinance from a Council agenda must be made by the rezoning applicant in writing to the Clerk of Council prior to consideration of the ordinance on the Council floor. After filing of such a request, the ordinance shall be withdrawn, except that a written statement of intent as to temporary or permanent withdrawal must be submitted to the Clerk of Council within fourteen days after the meeting from which agenda it was withdrawn. Failure to resubmit such statement of intent will result in automatic disapproval of the proposed rezoning. (Ord. 84-78. Passed 5-22-78.)
   (g)   It is deemed desirable that Council's consideration and finalization of the annual budget ordinance and 5-Year Budget process be completed prior to the budget appearing on the floor for final approval at the December meeting. It is understood, however, that minor amendments may be required at said meeting and it is agreed that such amendments may be proposed verbally. Reference Ord. 93-11, passed June 27, 2011 and Sections 115.01 and 115.02.
    (h)    Special assessment public hearing. Before any legislative action is taken on a special assessment project, the legislative body shall hold a public hearing and shall give at least thirty days' notice of the time and place thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation. The Clerk of Council shall, at least twenty days prior to the public hearing, notify by ordinary mail all record owners of each parcel of land to be assessed.
(Ord. 17-24. Passed 1-22-24.)