(a) Before presentation to Council for final or dispositive action, all proposed legislation or other matters requiring legislative action shall be first referred to an appropriate committee of Council for consideration, recommendation or report. All such matters or proposed legislation referred to committee shall be considered by such committee at the earliest time convenient to such committee, and such committee shall make timely report to Council of the results of its consideration of such matters and proposed legislation. Minutes of the meetings of such committee reflecting the results of its considerations, or its recommendations shall be sufficient report, provided that such minutes are delivered to the Clerk of Council for reproduction and subsequent distribution to the other members of Council.
(b) The final draft of proposed legislation, not previously considered in finalized or written form, shall be edited and reviewed by the committee or by the committee chairman before its presentation to Council for dispositive action.
(Ord. 1-74. Passed 1-3-74.)
(c) Minutes of committee meetings shall be filed with the Clerk within fifteen days following each committee meeting. The Clerk of Council or the President of Council, shall be responsible for making and filing minutes of meetings of Council as a committee of the whole. In the absence of formal voting, the minutes need reflect only the subject matter under discussion, the persons present and such other data as is relevant.
(Amended 1-3-05.)