All signs in the Historic District, regardless of the underlying zoning of the properties on which they are proposed to be located, shall be conditionally permitted for all uses and subject to the standards set forth in Section 1147.16. Only the following signs shall be conditionally permitted for all uses in the Historic District:
(a) One permanent sign plate for each public entrance to each building unit.
(b) One permanent ground sign, not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area per side and six (6) feet in height, for each nonresidential building.
(c) In lieu of one permanent ground sign referenced in subsection (b) above, one permanent building (wall, awning, or canopy) sign on the primary building frontage side of the building unit, not exceeding one square foot in area for each one linear foot of primary building frontage or 100 square feet, whichever is less, for each nonresidential building unit; and one permanent building (wall, awning, or canopy) sign on the secondary building frontage side of the building unit, not exceeding one square foot in area for each four (4) linear feet of secondary building frontage, if any exists, or twenty-five (25) square feet, whichever is less, for each nonresidential building unit.
(d) Permanent window signage on the primary building frontage side of the building unit not exceeding one square foot in area for each one linear foot of primary building frontage for each nonresidential building unit; and permanent window signage on the secondary building frontage side of the building unit, not exceeding one square foot in area for each four (4) linear feet of secondary building frontage, if any exists, for each nonresidential building unit. One internal neon sign is permitted per ground floor business. The sign shall be no larger than two (2) square feet. Neon window signs must also meet the following standards:
(1) The signs shall not be illuminated when the business is closed.
(2) The Historic Preservation Board shall review the sign for location, brightness, and proximity to public streets and residential areas.
Permanent window signage shall cover not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the window panel to which it is affixed.
(e) One permanent projecting sign, not exceeding four (4) square feet per side, for each ground floor nonresidential building unit with not less than twelve (12) linear feet of primary building frontage. Said sign shall be located not more than fourteen (14) feet above finished grade as measured from top of sign, and shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of eight (8) feet from bottom of sign to finished grade. A projecting sign may extend into a public right-of-way, provided that such sign shall maintain a minimum horizontal separation of one foot from outer edge of sign to outside edge of curb.
(f) One temporary ground sign for each single-family dwelling unit, one temporary ground sign for each two (2) family dwelling unit, one temporary ground sign for each multi-family residential building, and one temporary ground sign for each public entrance to each nonresidential building. Such sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. For a residential use, such sign may be erected for an unspecified time. For a nonresidential use, such sign shall be permitted for a maximum of fifteen (15) consecutive days, and not more than sixty (60) days during each year. A real estate sign shall be exempt from the time limits referenced above and shall be removed within seven (7) days after the close of sale, rent or lease of the property to which the sign pertains. A sign that announces a specific event, action or activity shall be removed within seven (7) days after the close of the event, action or activity to which the sign pertains. A sign permitted under this subsection is temporary in nature and is not meant to replace any sign regulated in any other section of this Chapter.
(g) Temporary window signs displayed in or attached to the inside of display or show windows, provided the total sign area does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the window area for each nonresidential building. Real estate signage shall be exempt from the time limits referenced above and shall be removed within seven (7) days after the close of sale, rent or lease of the property to which the signage pertains. Signage that announces a specific event, action or activity shall be removed within seven (7) days after the close of the event, action or activity to which the signage pertains.
(h) One temporary freestanding sidewalk sign is permitted per ground floor building unit with not less than twelve (12) feet of primary building frontage. The sign panel shall be no larger than five (5) square feet in size per side and no greater than four (4) feet in height. Said sign shall be set back a minimum of one foot from the curb line and shall not obstruct a continuous through pedestrian zone of at least four (4) feet in width. Temporary sidewalk signs must also meet the following standards:
(1) Chalk boards and replaceable panels within a protective cabinet are permitted.
(2) The signs shall be kept inside the business premises when the business operation is closed.
(3) Any individual or business placing sidewalk signs shall indemnify the City for any and all liability involving placement and or use of the sign.
(4) Buildings with multiple first floor tenant frontages may place a multi-tenant sidewalk sign of six (6) square feet maximum size provided a twelve (12) foot building frontage is maintained.
(5) Chalk board and replaceable panel signs containing a rectangular shape with a finished wood or dark metal framing require a temporary sign registration. All other sign designs shall be subject to Historic Preservation Board review to verify compliance with these regulations and Section 1147.16 (Conditional Sign Permit Design Guidelines).
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)