1135.01 Purpose.
1135.02 Characteristics.
1135.03 Principally permitted uses.
1135.04 Accessory uses.
1135.05 Conditionally permitted uses.
1135.06 Lot development standards.
1135.07 Dwelling unit regulations.
1135.08 Off-street parking and loading.
1135.09 Signage.
1135.10 Landscape and buffering.
1135.11 Site plan review.
1135.12 Outdoor storage.
1135.13 Building development standards.
1135.14 Pedestrian connection.
Definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1105
District established - see P. & Z. 1113.01
Minimum number of parking and loading spaces required - see P. & Z. 1145.04
The historic fabric of a community is recognized as an asset of the City of Medina and is a principle focal point of the community providing a distinct economic resource and a center for community orientation. It is in the interest of the city to protect and enhance these features of public interest in this business district by:
(a) Preventing the deterioration of property and the extension of blighting conditions;
(b) Promoting redevelopment activities to occur in such a fashion to complement the existing historic mixed use character and architecture of this district;
(c) Encouraging and protecting private investment which improves and stimulates the economic vitality and social character of the area and which promotes the public square open space area; and
(d) Preventing the creation of influences adverse to the physical character of the area.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)
The C-2 Central Business District shall be an area that has a substantial historic value to the city that encompasses a concentration of residential dwellings and retail and service-oriented commercial establishments serving as a principal business activity center for the neighborhood, community and region. This area has also received and will continue to receive substantial public investment in the form of the public square.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)