1105.01    General provisions.
1105.02    Agriculture.
1105.03   Alley.
1105.04   Apartment.
1105.05   Applicant.
1105.06   Assisted living facility.
1105.07   Bar or tavern.
1105.08   Basement.
1105.09   Bed and breakfast inn.
1105.10   Board.
1105.11   Buffer or bufferyard.
1105.12   Building.
1105.13   Building, accessory.
1105.14   Buildilng, principal.
1105.15   Building height.
1105.16   Building line.
1105.17   Building materials sales yard and lumber yard.
1105.18   Bulk storage and display.
1105.19   Carport.
1105.20   Car wash.
1105.21   Cemetery.
1105.22   Centralized sewer system.
1105.23   Centralized water system.
1105.24   Child day care center or nursery.
1105.25   Clinic.
1105.26   Club.
1105.27   Commission.
1105.28   Commercial entertainment.
1105.29   Commercial recreation.
1105.30   Comprehensive Plan.
1105.31   Conditional use.
1105.32   Conference center, banquet facility, or meeting hall.
1105.33   Conservation use.
1105.34   Contractor equipment storage yard.
1105.35   Convenience retail.
1105.36   Council.
1105.38   Crematorium.
1105.39   Density.
1105.40   Developed land.
1105.41   Discarded motor vehicle.
1105.42   Distribution center.
1105.43   District.
1105.44   Drive-in or drive through facility.
1105.45   Driveway.
1105.46   Dwelling.
1105.47   Dwelling unit.
1105.48   Easement.
1105.49   Educational institution.
1105.50   Essential services.
1105.51   Family.
1105.52   Fence.
1105.53   Financial institution.
1105.54   Floor area.
1105.55   Frontage.
1105.56   Funeral home.
1105.57   Garage, private.
1105.58   Garage, parking.
1105.59   Grade, finished.
1105.60   Grade, natural.
1105.61   Greenhouse, plant.
1105.62   Gross acre.
1105.63   Gross floor area.
1105.64   Group home.
1105.65   Heavy duty repair services.
1105.66   Home occupation.
1105.67   Hospital.
1105.68   Hotel.
1105.69   Impervous surface.
1105.70   Independent living facility.
1105.71   Industrial.
1105.72   Infill.
1105.73   In-law suite.
1105.74   Institution.
1105.75   Junk.
1105.76   Loading space.
1105.77   Lot.
1105.78   Lot, corner.
1105.79   Lot, double frontage.
1105.80   Lot, interior.
1105.81   Lot area.
1105.82   Lot coverage.
1105.83   Lot depth.
1105.84   Lot lines.
1105.85   Lot line, front.
1105.86   Lot line, rear.
1105.87   Lot line, side.
1105.88   Lot of record.
1105.89   Lot width.
1105.90   Major thoroughfare and collector thoroughfare.
1105.91   Manufactured housing.
1105.92   Manufactured housing park.
1105.93   Manufacturing, heavy.
1105.94   Manufacturing, light.
1105.95   Maximum lot coverage.
1105.96   Mixed use.
1105.97   Mobile home.
1105.98   Mobile home park.
1105.99   Motel.
1105.100   Motor vehicle filling station.
1105.101   Motor vehicle.
1105.102   Motor vehicle repair, major.
1105.103   Motor vehicle repair, minor.
1105.104   Motor vehicle storage.
1105.105   Museum.
1105.106   Nonconforming building.
1105.107   Nonconforming lot.
1105.108   Nonconforming use.
1105.109   Nursing home.
1105.110   Off-street loading space.
1105.111   Office.
1105.112   Open space.
1105.113   Other similar uses as determined by the Planning Commission.
1105.114   Outdoor dining.
1105.115   Outdoor storage.
1105.116   Overlay district.
1105.117   Park.
1105.118   Parking lot, private.
1105.119   Parking lot, public.
1105.120   Parking space.
1105.121   Passenger transportation agency and terminal.
1105.122   Personal or professional service.
1105.123   Planning Director.
1105.124   Principal building or use.
1105.125   Public utility.
1105.126   Publicly owned or operated government facility.
1105.127   Recreation facility.
1105.128   Religious place of worship.
1105.129   Research and development laboratory.
1105.130   Restaurant.
1105.131   Retail business.
1105.132   Seating capacity.
1105.133   Self-storage warehouse.
1105.134   Setback.
1105.135   Sexually oriented business.
1105.136   Sign.
1105.137   Sign face.
1105.138   Sign plate.
1105.139   Site plan.
1105.140   Story.
1105.141   Street, public.
1105.142   Street, private.
1105.143   Street right-of-way line.
1105.144   Structural alterations.
1105.145   Structure.
1105.146   Swimming pool, commercial.
1105.147   Swimming pool, private.
1105.148   Tavern.
1105.149   Thoroughfare.
1105.150   Thoroughfare Plan.
1105.151   Transitional housing.
1105.152   Truck transfer terminal.
1105.153   Urban garden.
1105.154   Use.
1105.155   Use, accessory.
1105.156   Use, principal.
1105.157   Variance.
1105.158   Veterinary office.
1105.159   Veterinary hospital.
1105.160   Warehouse.
1105.161   Wholesale establishment.
1105.162   Wireless telecommunication facility.
1105.163   Yard.
1105.164   Zone.
1105.165   Zoning certificate.
1105.166   Zoning Code.
1105.167   Zoning Map.
      Definitions for Subdivision Regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1163