(a) Grading, Marking, Pavement and Curbing.
(1) Parking areas and driveways insofar as possible shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water, including the use of permeable surfaces if approved by the City Engineer, without injury or nuisance to adjacent properties or the public, and improved with concrete or asphalt, in accordance with the standards of the City.
(2) Parking spaces shall be so arranged and marked to provide for orderly and safe parking and storage of vehicles in accordance with Section 1145.08, Parking Area Dimensions, and shall be so improved with curbs to define the limits of paved areas.
(3) For industrial uses, the following design provisions shall apply:
A. Paved parking areas and drives shall extend from the street right-of-way to the rear of the building. Parking areas or drives beyond the rear of the building do not have to be hard surfaced. Compacted gravel, concrete or asphalt may be utilized behind the rear of the building.
B. Curbs for driveways or off-street parking shall not be required in industrial areas.
C. Parking lot landscaping shall not be required if the off-street parking lot is located in the side or rear yard.
(b) Landscaping. Landscape features or other visual barriers between all parking areas and a side or rear lot line of an adjoining residential district shall be required. Such landscaping shall also be required when adjacent to a public street.
In all commercial, multi-family, industrial and public facilities district areas, open off-street parking may be located in a required front yard provided a minimum ten (10) foot wide landscaped strip is located between the parking area and the street right-of-way line unless a lesser depth is permitted by the Planning Commission due to site constraints. In no case shall the landscape strip be less than five (5) feet. In all districts, off-street parking facilities may occupy the required side and rear yard.
Parking areas containing more than 6,000 square feet of area or twenty (20) or more vehicular parking spaces, whichever is less, shall provide interior landscaping of the peninsular or island types of uncompact, well-drained soil as well as perimeter landscaping. For each 100 square feet or fraction thereof of parking area, at least five (5) square feet of landscape area shall be provided.
(1) Interior landscape requirements:
A. Minimum Area. The minimum landscape area permitted shall be sixty-four (64) square feet with a four (4)-foot minimum dimension to all trees from edge of pavement where vehicles overhang.
B. Surface. Any landscaped area provided under this section shall be covered with mulch or vegetative ground cover.
C. Natural or landscaped detention basins may count toward the minimum square footage landscaping requirements when the basins are in the front or side yards.
D. Vehicle Overhang. Parked vehicles may hang over the interior landscaped area no more than two and one-half (2½) feet. The Commission may modify the foregoing requirements in specific cases where desirable or warranted, owing to unusual topography, physical conditions and the use and character of adjacent properties.
(c) Illumination of Parking Areas. Parking and circulation areas, pedestrian areas and related outdoor areas shall be illuminated to provide safety and security to users of these areas, to provide security for property, and to maintain privacy for adjacent properties. Exterior lighting shall be designed, installed and maintained according to the following standards:
(1) Illumination levels. Except as provided in subsection (c)(5)B. hereof, exterior lighting shall provide minimum maintained horizontal footcandle (fc) illumination as follows:
Activity Type | Maintained Footcandles |
Parking and pedestrian area1 | 0.6 fc minimum |
Property security only | 0.2 fc minimum |
1 Exterior lighting in these areas may be reduced to the property security level during hours when these areas are not in use. |
(2) Residential parking. The minimum illumination levels in subsection (c)(1) hereof shall not apply to residential or multi-family parking areas with ten (10) or fewer parking spaces. These areas shall be provided with appropriate residential-type luminaries as shown on site plans approved by the Planning Commission.
(3) Uniformity ratio. Average illumination levels shall not exceed four (4) times the minimum level.
(4) Light trespass. In order to maintain privacy, exterior lighting shall be designed and maintained to provide a maximum of one horizontal footcandle illumination at side or rear property lines which are adjacent to a residential use or zoning district.
(5) Luminaire height.
A. The maximum luminaire height in the C-3 and I-1 Districts shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
B. The maximum luminaire height in all other districts shall be ten (10) feet unless authorized by Planning Commission.
C. The Planning Commission may approve greater heights upon a showing by the applicant that the additional height complies with both of the following standards:
1. The additional height is necessary to efficiently illuminate outdoor areas; and
2. The additional height will have no adverse effect on adjacent properties.
(6) Glare. Exterior lighting shall be designed and maintained so that glare is not cast on adjacent properties, regardless of use, or on adjacent streets. All luminaries shall be cut-off types which includes shields or other devices which eliminate all light above an angle of eighty-five (85) degrees, as measured from the vertical axis of the light source. For the purpose of this subsection, "glare" means the brightness of a light source which causes eye discomfort.
(7) Lighting plan submission. Site plans submitted to the Planning Commission shall include data analyses, prepared by persons competent to do so, that the proposed exterior lighting system complies with the standards in this section.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)