Division of Police
   EDITOR'S NOTE: The City enters into collective bargaining contracts with representatives of Division of Police personnel. The provisions of this chapter relate only to those persons and those subjects not otherwise provided for in such contracts. Copies of the latest relevant legislation and contract may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
139.01   Establishment; composition.
139.02   Accident Prevention Bureau; Detective Bureau.
139.03   Duties; rules and regulations.
139.04   Work week. (Repealed)
139.05   Court and Grand Jury appearances. (Repealed)
139.06   Additional compensation for Detective Bureau personnel. (Repealed)
139.07   Overtime. (Repealed)
139.08   Copies of documents, photographs, video tapes and audio tapes.
139.09   Use of City jail; fee.
139.10   Use of breathalyzer; fee.
139.11   Private police officers.
139.12   S.A.V.E. rewards program; Rewards Committee.
139.13   Civilian record check; fee.
139.14   Auxiliary police.
139.99   Penalty.
   Director of Public Safety as head of Division - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 4
   Composition and control - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.05
   Auxiliary police units - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.06
   Appointment of emergency patrolmen - see Ohio R.C. 737.10
   Original appointment; probationary period and age - see Ohio R.C. 124.27, 124.30, 124.41
   Police Chief- see Ohio R.C. 737.06
   Hours and leave - see Ohio R.C. 737.07
   General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
   Failure to aid a police officer - see GEN. OFF. 505.13
   Disposition of property held by Police Division - see GEN. OFF. 505.24
   Impersonating an officer - see GEN. OFF. 505.25, 541.20
   Display of emblems - see GEN. OFF. 505.26
   Assaulting police dog or horse - see GEN. OFF. 541.08
   Reports to Police Division by pawnbrokers - see B.R. & T. 759.05
   Police officers at Community Center Building - see S.U. & P.S. 951.03
   Alarm connections to Division - see S.U. & P.S. 955.03