TITLE ONE - General Provisions
   Chap. 101.     Codified Ordinances.
   Chap. 103.     Official Standards.
   Chap. 105.     Wards and Boundaries.
TITLE THREE - Legislation
   Chap. 121.     Council.
   Chap. 123.     Ordinances and Resolutions.
   Chap. 125.     Open Meetings.
TITLE FIVE - Administration
   Chap. 131.     Mayor.
   Chap. 133.     Department of Law.
   Chap. 135.     Department of Finance.
   Chap. 137.     Department of Public Safety.
   Chap. 139.     Division of Police.
   Chap. 141.     Division of Fire.
   Chap. 143.     Division of Building, Engineering and Inspection.
   Chap. 144.     Division of Police and Fire Communications.
   Chap. 145.     Department of Public Service.
   Chap. 146.     Office of Compliance Standards.
   Chap. 147.     Department of Recreation and Parks.
   Chap. 148.     Department of Human Services.
   Chap. 149.     Employees Generally.
   Chap. 150.     Fair Housing.
   Chap. 151.   Parking Generally.
   Chap. 153.   Criminal Activity Nuisances.
   Chap. 155.   Naming Rights to Government Buildings and Property.
TITLE SEVEN - Boards and Commissions
   Chap. 161.     City Planning Commission.
   Chap. 163.     Architectural Board of Review.
   Chap. 165.     Board of Zoning Appeals.
   Chap. 167.     Civil Service Commission.
   Chap. 169.     Recreation and Parks Commission.
   Chap. 171.     Commission on Aging. (Repealed)
   Chap. 173.     City Records Commission.
   Chap. 175.   Keep Mayfield Heights Beautiful Commission
TITLE NINE - Judiciary
   Chap. 191.     Lyndhurst Municipal Court.