Administration, Enforcement and Penalty
1383.01   Compliance by owners.
1383.02   Inspections.
1383.03   Right of entry.
1383.04   Notice of violation.
1383.05   Hazards and nuisances.
1383.051   Utility service shut-off.
1383.055   Costs for nuisance abatement.
1383.06   Emergency vacation.
1383.07   Placards.
1383.08   Costs of demolition.
1383.085   Replacement of necessary structures.
1383.09   Board of Zoning Appeals as Board of Housing Appeals.
1383.10   Rules and regulations; incorporation of other City codes and ordinances.
1383.11   Violations.
1383.99   Penalty; equitable remedies.
   Division of Building, Engineering and Inspection - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 4; B. & H. Ch. 1333 
   Housing generally - see Ohio R.C. 3735.01 et seq.
   Transfer of realty in which Housing Code violation exists - see Ohio R.C. 5301.253
   Lots or structures for dwellings in U-4 Districts - see P. & Z. 1171.07 
   Lots or structures for dwellings in U-4-A Districts - see P. & Z. 1173.07 
   Lots or structures for dwellings in U-6 Districts - see P. & Z. 1175.04 
   Registration of rental properties required - see B. & H. 1341.01
   Condominiums - see B. & H. Ch. 1357