In addition to the signs permitted in each district as established in §§ 160.07 and 160.08 of this chapter, the following signs are also permitted subject to the conditions established in this section. Height of signs permitted in this section shall not exceed the permitted sign height for the district where the sign is to be erected unless otherwise specified by this section.
   (A)   Real estate sign. Real estate signs advertising property or buildings for sale, rent, or lease are permitted in the following districts for the period of time while the property is available for sale, rent or lease and for not more than 14 days after the sale, rental, or leasing of the property or building. No sign may be erected on, suspended over, or encroach upon the public right-of-way. No real estate sign shall be erected so as to obstruct the visual clearance needed for safe vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (1)   In all Industrial Zoned Districts:
         (a)   One sign per each 800 feet of frontage;
         (b)   A maximum of 100 square feet of sign surface area per side, two sides permitted;
         (c)   The sign, if freestanding, must have eight feet of ground clearance or maintain a 20 feet setback from any street pavement.
      (2)   In all Commercial Zoned Districts:
         (a)   One sign per lot frontage.;
         (b)   A maximum of 32 square feet of sign surface area per side, two sides permitted;
         (c)   The sign, if freestanding, must have eight feet of ground clearance or maintain a 20 feet setback from any street pavement;
      (3)   In all residentially zoned districts:
         (a)   One sign per lot frontage;
         (b)   Maximum of six square feet of sign surface area per side, two sides permitted;
   (B)   Temporary construction signs for building or projects. Sign stating the nature and name of the building or project, the names of contractors, architects, engineers, or official, financial information, or any information required by law, are permitted in various districts subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Any such temporary signs required by government for a project shall be permitted;
      (2)   In all Industrially Zoned Districts a maximum of 32 square feet per side, two sides permitted (except where governmental standards require a larger sign in which case such sign shall be permitted).
      (3)   In all Residential and Commercial Districts a maximum of six square feet per side, two sides permitted.
      (4)   Signs may not be erected more than 30 days prior to the beginning of actual construction of the building or project and shall be removed when construction is substantially completed. If the sign is erected and if the construction is not initiated within 30 days after the sign is erected, or completion, said sign shall be removed and shall not thereafter be erected again until actual construction has begun.
   (C)   Signs designating historic areas or buildings. Sign denoting historic buildings or areas may be erected subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Signs designating historic sites, areas, or districts shall be no larger than:
         (a)   Fifty square feet in industrial zoned districts;
         (b)   Twelve square feet in all other zoning districts.
      (2)   Signs designating historic buildings shall be flush wall signs on the building so designated and shall be no larger than two square feet in all zoning districts.
   (D)   Minor directional signs. Signs for and within shopping centers, business developments, or individual business establishments and their parking areas, which guide automobile and pedestrian traffic. Such signs shall:
      (1)   Have a maximum height of fifteen feet;
      (2)   Have a maximum surface area of ten square feet per side, two side permitted;
      (3)   Be located so as not to obstruct the vision of pedestrians or motorists;
      (4)   Bear no advertising matter, except for the name of the establishment;
      (5)   Be permanently affixed to the ground or any permanent building or structure;
      (6)   Be located on the premises of the establishment, shopping center or business development.
   (E)   Political signs. Political signs are permitted in all areas of the city subject to the following provisions: No political sign may be attached to utility poles, trees on public right-of-way, street light poles, street signs, traffic signs, fire hydrants, or any other property owned or controlled by the city.
   (F)   Temporary signs and banners in general. Temporary signs, pennants, and banners including portable signs are permitted for promoting special community activities, special events, charity drives, activities of nonprofit organizations, or special events for individual business establishments, subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum surface area. One hundred square feet per side, two sides permitted.
      (2)   Maximum height. Six feet, if freestanding.
      (3)   Maximum exposure time.
         (a)    Fourteen days per event sponsored by not-for-profit organizations where the sign, banner, etc., is stretched between two light posts, a building and a post or a similar situation where there is created an overhead banner supported from two ends.
         (b)   Sixty days per event for events sponsored by not-for-profit organizations where the sign, banner, etc., is not erected in the manner described in division (F)(3)(a) above.
         (c)   Banners suspended from a building or existing freestanding sign, with a total area not to exceed 100 square feet, are permitted for periods up to 30 days per event with no limit on the number of events.
         (d)   Pennants may be displayed for a maximum of 90 days per calendar year with a limit of 30 consecutive days per event.
      (4)   No temporary sign shall be erected upon or suspended over public right-of-way except as otherwise specifically permitted.
      (5)   No temporary sign shall be erected within 20 feet of the curb line of any adjoining street surface except for buildings with less than 20 feet of setback from the curb. Such buildings may have erected upon them temporary signs mounted flush to the building.
   (G)   Temporary yard sale signs. Temporary yard sale signs may be erected subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum exposure time. All such signs shall be erected not more than 24 hours prior to or remain in place not more than 12 hours after the yard or garage sale takes place.
      (2)   No yard sale sign may be erected on or attached to utility poles, trees, or public right-of-way, street light poles, street or traffic signs, or fire hydrants nor be located on the public right-of-way.
   (H)   Window promotional signs. Window promotional signs are permitted for periods of up to 60 consecutive days in all commercial or industrial zoning districts.
   (I)   Subdivision entrance or identification signs. Each individual subdivision may have entrance or identification signs subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Entrance or identification signs shall only identify the name of the subdivision.
      (2)   One pair may be erected per entrance, into the subdivisions, but in no case shall two such pairs for the same subdivision be located closer than 300 feet apart.
      (3)   No single sign shall be larger than 24 square feet per side and shall be limited to a maximum height of six feet.
   (J)   Industrial park identification signs. Each industrial park may have identification signs subject to the following:
      (1)   One such sign shall be allowed for each industrial park entrance and shall be used only to identify the name and location of the industrial park;
      (2)   No single identification sign shall be larger than 125 square feet per side nor shall exceed a height of 25 feet. All such signs shall be located in a manner that does not impede the vision of drivers to other vehicles and pedestrian traffic.
   (K)   Directory signs. Directory signs are permitted for multi-unit dwelling developments and mobile home parks containing more than five structures or five mobile homes in all districts subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Only one sign is permitted with a maximum of 16 square feet;
      (2)   The sign may be freestanding or architectural;
      (3)   The sign may be illuminated;
   (L)   Office park identification signs. Each office park may have identification signs subject to the following:
      (1)   One sign shall be allowed for each office park entrance and shall be used only to identify the name and location of the office park and/or used as a directory of business in the office park;
      (2)   No single identification sign shall be larger than 64 square feet per side nor shall exceed a height of 12 feet. All such signs shall be located in a manner that does not impede the vision of drivers to other vehicles and pedestrian traffic. The location of such signs shall be subject to the approval of the administrative official.
(Ord. 2001-5053, passed 3-6-2001)