(A) There is hereby created the position of Coordinator of Federal and State Aid of the city, who shall hold office until replaced and the successor or successors appointed and qualified.
(B) The Coordinator of Federal and State Aid shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the consent of the City Council.
(C) The compensation of the Coordinator of Federal and State Aid shall be as established by ordinance.
(D) The duties of the Coordinator of Federal and State Aid shall be, but are not limited to the following:
(1) He shall be responsible for all professional and administrative duties of the office of the Coordinator of Federal and State Aid.
(2) He shall be responsible for the preparation of all applications which will qualify the city for participation in programs of the federal and state governments.
(3) He shall be an ex officio member and consultant to the City Planning Commission and review all proposed subdivision plats and make recommendations to said commission.
(4) He shall be an ex officio member and consultant to the City Zoning Board of Appeals on all zoning matters and make recommendations to said Board.
(5) He shall be the city coordinator on all matters pertaining to industrial and economic development.
(6) He shall be in charge of all special studies including, but not limited to, land use studies, neighborhood analysis studies, economic base structure studies and studies in connection with the capital improvements program of the city.
('68 Code, § 2.50) (Ord. 70-4197, passed - - )