(a)   Temporary signs shall be located on the premises to which they refer, except as permitted in division (d) below of this section.
   (b)   Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
   (c)   Temporary signs shall be permitted as specified in the Temporary Sign Standards Table, except as permitted in division (d) below of this section.
Table 1187.07 Temporary Sign Standards
Type of Temporary Sign
District(s) Permitted
Type of Sign Permitted
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Maximum Number
Permit Required
Required Setback
Permitted Duration
Table 1187.07 Temporary Sign Standards
Type of Temporary Sign
District(s) Permitted
Type of Sign Permitted
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Maximum Number
Permit Required
Required Setback
Permitted Duration
Real estate - sale or lease of individual home or residential lot
Residen- tial
6 sq. ft.
4 ft.
Remove within 30 days of sale or lease
Real estate - sale or lease of individual business or vacant lot
Retail Office Industrial
Ground Wall
32 sq. ft.
10 ft.
Remove within 30 days of sale or lease
Real estate - sale or lease of unplatted vacant land
32 sq. ft.
10 ft.
Remove within 30 days of sale or lease
Construc- tion/real estate develop- ment sign
Ground Wall
32 sq. ft.
10 ft.
Remove within 30 days after 90% of all units or lots are sold or leased
Garage sale sign
Residen- tial
Ground Wall
6 sq. ft.
4 ft.
7 consecu- tive days
Promotion- al and information signs
All [i]
32 sq. ft.
4 permits per year not to exceed 15 days each
Window sign
Paper Paint Plastic Fabric
[a]   The temporary sign shall comply with the setback requirements for the district in which it is located.
[b]   On a corner parcel two signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted.
[c]   One sign shall be permitted for each frontage on a secondary or major thoroughfare.
[d]   The temporary sign may be located in the required setback area, but shall not be located within the road right-of-way.
[e]   Promotional signs may include ground or wall signs, subject to obtaining a permit from the Zoning Administrator. Streamers, pennants or similar displays may be permitted subject to Zoning Board of Appeals approval.
[f]   The total area of all temporary window signs shall not exceed ten square feet. The total area of all window signs, temporary and permanent, shall not exceed 50% of the total window area.
[g]   Temporary window signs that are faded, yellowed, ripped or otherwise damaged shall be removed immediately.
[h]   All temporary signs shall comply with § 1171.09.
[i]   Promotional signage in residential districts permitted on nonresidential uses only.
(Ord. 2004-15, passed 3-8-2004)
   (d)   Temporary signs for community events sponsored in whole or in part by the city.
      (1)   Signs for community events on city property.
         A.   The event must be sponsored in whole or in part by a city agency such as Parks and Recreation, Fire Department or Police Department.
         B.   The event must take place on the city property, including the community center facility.
         C.   Only one sign at the event location is permitted to list sponsors other than the city. Signs not at the event location are not permitted to include sponsors other than the city, except for a single co-sponsor having a typeface smaller than that used for the city and the title of the event. Commercial advertisements are not permitted.
         D.   Signs are permitted at all city property locations, with a maximum size of 32 square feet, for up to 15 days. Signs are permitted for only one event at a time at any one location.
      (2)   Signs for community center events at the Community Center.
         A.   The event must be sponsored in whole or in part by a city agency such as Parks and Recreation, Fire Department or Police Department.
         B.   The event must take place on city property, including the Community Center facility.
         C.   Only one sign at the event location on Lakeside Drive is permitted to list sponsors other than the city. Signs not at the event location are not permitted to include sponsors other than the city, except for a single co-sponsor having a type-face smaller than that used for the city and the title of the event. Commercial advertisements are not permitted.
         D.   Additional signs of up to 32 square feet are permitted on the Municipal Center frontage on Mason-Montgomery Road and in the parks, for up to 15 days. Signs are permitted for only one event at a time at any one location.
      (3)   Signs for community events not on city property.
         A.   Event must be sponsored in whole or in part by a city agency such as Parks and Recreation, Fire Department or Police Department.
         B.   The city must control the dates and times of the individual events. Seasonal sports and sign-ups for sports teams and programs not administered by the city are not included.
         C.   A maximum of six signs are permitted along city thoroughfares and in the parks, for a maximum of 32 square feet for up to 15 days. Signs are permitted for only one event at a time at any one location and all signs must have the permission of the property owner.
      (4)   Right-of-way. All temporary signs for community events must be out of the right-of-way and maintain the unobstructed sight distance in § 1171.09. Events not sponsored by the city, but taking place on city property must meet the temporary sign regulations in divisions (a) through (c) above of this section and Table 1187.07. Fees and permits are not required for temporary signs for community events that qualify for this division (d) of this section.
(Ord. 2003-99, passed 9-8-2003)