1185.01   Projection of architectural features
1185.02   Fences and walls
   Fence defined, see § 1133.77
   Frontage and yard modifications, see Ch. 1183
   Certain architectural features may project into required yards or courts as follows.
   (a)   Front and side yards. Into any required front yard, or required side yard adjoining a side street lot line:
      (1)   Cornices, canopies, eaves or other architectural features may project a distance not exceeding two feet, six inches;
      (2)   Fire escapes may project a distance not exceeding four feet, six inches;
      (3)   An uncovered stair and necessary landings may project a distance not to exceed six feet, provided the stair and landing shall not extend above the entrance floor of the building except for a railing not exceeding three feet in height;
      (4)   Bay windows, balconies, uncovered porches and chimneys may project a distance not exceeding three feet, provided that the features do not occupy, in the aggregate, more than one-third of the length of the building wall on which they are located; and
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)
      (5)   Mailboxes.
         A.   Brick mailboxes are permitted in any zone provided that the closest edge of the structure is no more than five feet to the edge of pavement, the structure does not interfere with roadside ditch drainage and a paved pull-off is provided for postal employee access. If the pull-off is along a curbed street, the curb must follow the edge of the paved pull-off area.
         B.   Wood or iron break-away mailboxes are permitted provided that there is a distance of 12 inches to 18 inches from the face of the mailbox to the vertical plane of the back of curb or edge of pavement if no curb is present.
         C.   If city maintenance of the right-of-way is needed and the mailbox is damaged or removed, the restoration of the mailbox shall be the responsibility of the owner.
         D.   All mailboxes must be installed to the proper height as required by the United States postal service.
(Ord. 99-132, passed 10-11-1999)
   (b)   Interior side yards. Subject to the limitations in division (a) hereof, the above named features may project into any required side yard adjoining an interior side lot line, a distance not to exceed one-fifth of the required least width of the side yard, but not exceeding three feet in any case.
   (c)   Rear yards. Subject to the limitation in division (b) hereof, the features named therein may project into any required rear yards the same distances they are permitted to project into a front yard.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)