Sight distance as defined in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1. shall govern if they are more strict then the standards found in this section. No fence, wall, sign, structure, vehicle or planting shall be erected, established or maintained on any lot which will obstruct the view of drivers in vehicles approaching an intersection of two roads or the intersection of a road and a driveway or curb cut. Fences, walls, signs, structures, vehicles or plantings located in the triangular area described below shall not be permitted to obstruct cross-visibility between a height of 30 inches and five feet above the lowest point of the intersecting road(s) (see Figure 1171.09A).
   (a)   Unobstructed sight area. The unobstructed triangular area is described as follows.
      (1)   Driveway intersection sight triangle. At intersections of driveways with streets, the sight triangle shall be established by locating the intersection of the street curb with the driveway edge, and by measuring from this point a distance of ten feet along the driveway to a point and a distance of 20 feet along the street curb to a point and connecting these points (see Figure 1171.09B)
      (2)   Street intersection sight triangle. At street-intersections, the sight triangle shall be formed by measuring at least 35 feet along curb lines and connecting these points. Within the first 20 feet of the street intersection sight triangles, no structure or landscaping material is permitted except required ground cover. Within the portion of sight triangle that is located between 20 feet and 35 feet, signs and trees shall be permitted only when the pole or trunk is the only part of a sign or tree that is visible between the ground and five feet above the ground, or otherwise does not present a traffic visibility hazard (see Figure 1171.09B).
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998; Ord. 2004-15, passed 3-8-2004)
Figure 1171.09A Site Clearance Zones
Figure 1171.09B Clear Vision Zones