1174.01 Purpose
1174.02 Facades and exterior walls
1174.03 Materials and colors
1174.04 Roofs
1174.05 Building entryways
1174.06 Outdoor display
1174.07 Mechanical equipment
1174.08 Traffic and vehicular access
1174.09 Pedestrian flows
1174.10 Central features and community space
1174.11 Lighting
1174.12 Noise control
1174.13 Design creativity
1174.14 Modifications
1174.15 Variances and appeals
The standards in this section are needed to protect the public health, safety and welfare by requiring large retail establishments to locate on arterial roads to separate commercial and residential generated traffic; improve pedestrian safety; diminish the negative impacts of blight caused by vacant commercial structures on adjacent property by increasing reuse opportunities; reduce the impacts on adjacent uses, especially on nearby residential uses, including light and noise; and requiring unique architecture and community spaces and other design elements so that a distinctive visual appearance and small town ambiance is maintained to promote the long term viability of the community’s businesses districts and quality of life of the city’s residents.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
Facades should be articulated to reduce the massive scale and the uniform, impersonal appearances of large retail buildings and provide visual interest that will be consistent with the community’s identity, character and scale.
(a) No large retail establishment shall be designed, modeled or constructed after franchise or formula based architecture. All large retail establishments constructed in the city shall be original in design unique only to the city, except franchise businesses may advertise corporate logos on permitted signage.
(b) Building facades must include a repeating pattern that shall include no less than three of the following elements: color change; texture change; material module change; and expression of architectural or structural bay through a change in plane no less than 24 inches in width, such as an offset, reveal or projecting rib. All elements shall repeat at intervals of no more than 30 feet to give the structure an appearance of several individual attached bays developed with internal common walls.
(c) Facades greater than 100 feet in length, measured horizontally, shall incorporate wall plane projections or recesses having a depth of at least 3% of the length of the facade and extending at least 20% of the length of the facade.
(d) Ground floor facades that face public streets shall have arcades, clear glass display windows, entry areas, awnings or other features along no less than 60% of their horizontal length.
(e) Facades and walls must have a recognizable base with (but not limited to):
(1) Thicker walls, ledges or sills;
(2) Integrally textured elements such as stone or other masonry;
(3) Integrally colored and patterned elements such as smooth-finished stone;
(4) Lighter or darker colored elements, mullions or panels; and
(5) Planters.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
Large retail establishments shall have exterior building materials and colors that are compatible with its surroundings. This includes the use of high-quality materials and colors that are low reflective, subtle, neutral or earth tone. High-intensity colors, bright primary colors, metallic colors or fluorescent colors are prohibited. Shiny, glossy or reflective materials or brighter colors may be used on building trim and accents with a cumulative surface area of less than or equal to one quarter of 1% (< =0.25%) of a wall. Neon lighting as an architectural trim is prohibited. Construction materials such as tilt-up concrete, smooth-faced concrete block, prefabricated steel panels, and other similar materials shall be avoided unless the exterior surface is covered with an acceptable architectural treatment.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
Roof features should be used to complement the character of adjoining neighborhoods. Variations in roof lines should be used to add interest to, and reduce the massive scale of large buildings. Roofs shall have no less than two of the following features:
(a) Parapets concealing flat roofs and rooftop equipment from public view. The average height of the parapets shall not exceed 15% of the height of the supporting wall and the parapets shall not at any point exceed one-third of the height of the supporting wall. The parapets shall feature three dimensional cornice treatments;
(b) Cornice treatments, other than colored stripes or bands alone, with integrally textured elements such as stone or other masonry or differently colored elements;
(c) Sloping roofs with overhanging eaves and brackets, extending no less than three feet past the supporting walls;
(d) Sloping roofs that do not exceed the average height of the supporting walls, which utilize trusses and pillars; and/or
(e) Three or more roof slope planes per building elevation.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
Large retail establishments shall feature multiple entrances. Multiple entrances reduce walking distances from cars and provide greater access from public sidewalks. Additional building entrances on side exterior walls are required to provide convenient store access from parking lots located in side and rear yards. Exterior building entrances are encouraged to tenant spaces other than the primary retail tenant located in the same structure. Each principal building on a site shall have clearly defined, visible customer entrances featuring no less than four of the following:
(a) Recesses/projections;
(b) Overhangs, canopies or porticos;
(c) Arcades;
(d) Raised corniced parapets over the door;
(e) Peaked roof forms;
(f) Arches;
(g) Outdoor patios;
(h) Display windows;
(i) Architectural details such as tile work and moldings which are integrated into the building; and/or
(j) Integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and/or places for sitting.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
Large retail establishments may offer for direct sale to the public merchandise which is displayed outdoors with the following standards.
(a) The outdoor display area is located behind the front building corners.
(b) Permitted merchandise and retail items are completely enclosed by masonry walls or columns and decorative wrought iron bars or other similar materials that match the colors and material of the principal structure.
(c) Landscaping shall be provided around the front and side outdoor display walls.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
All mechanical equipment shall be completely screened to mitigate noise and views in all directions. If roof-mounted, the screen shall be designed to conform architecturally to the design of the building either with varying roof planes or with parapet walls.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)
(a) Large retail establishments shall provide safety and protection to adjacent residential uses by having primary motor vehicles access from arterial roads as designated on the Thoroughfare Plan.
(b) Access points shall conform to the specific requirements of Chapter 1115 Access Management Regulations.
(c) An applicant funded traffic impact study shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 1116 Traffic Impact Study Regulations.
(Ord. 2006-81, passed 8-28-2006)