1170.01 Purpose
1170.02 Creation and boundaries
1170.03 Effect of DO Downtown Overlay designation
1170.04 Permitted uses
1170.05 Prohibited uses
1170.06 Development standards
1170.07 Zoning certificate required
1170.08 Zoning certificate review guidelines and standards
1170.09 Zoning certificate review procedures
1170.10 Revocation
1170.11 Site maintenance after approval
1170.12 Appeals
1170.13 Penalties
1170.14 Severability
1170.15 Minimum maintenance requirement
1170.16 Exclusions
1170.17 – 1170.20 Reserved for future use
1170.21 Design Review Board fee
District established, see Ch. 1145
Noise, see Ch. 511
Nuisances generally, see Ch. 521
Signs, see Ch. 1187