TABLE 1
Mixture of retail, personal and business service, office, lodging, automotive service, civic and medium to high density residential uses necessary to support the needs of the overall community and planned in a walkable arrangement with parks, interconnected and landscaped sidewalks, streets and parking facilities.
   A.   Building Configuration:
1. Principal building
4 stories maximum
2. Accessory building
2 stories maximum
3. Building height shall be measured in number of stories, excluding attics and raised basements
4. Stories may not exceed 14 feet in height from finished floor to finished ceiling, excluding vaulted spaces serving an assembly function, except for a first floor commercial function, which must be a minimum of 11 feet with a maximum of 25 feet
   B.   Building Disposition: (See section 12-8-4, table 3 of this title.)
1. Edge yard
2. Side yard
3. Split yard
4. Rear yard
   C.   Lot Occupation:
1. Lot width
a. 25 foot minimum residential function
b. 400 foot maximum to 100 foot minimum all other functions
2. Lot coverage
75 percent
3. Lot depth
100 foot minimum
   D.   Setbacks; Principal Building:
1. Principal front setback
85 foot maximum and 50 foot minimum, if parking is provided in the first tier as allowed by this chapter; 60 foot maximum, and 10 foot minimum if no parking is provided in the first tier
2. Secondary front setback
30 foot maximum, 10 foot minimum
3. Side setback
a. Edge yard 5 foot minimum
b. 0 foot minimum on 1 side, 6 foot minimum on opposite side, side yard disposition
c. 0 foot minimum, split yard and rear yard dispositions
4. Rear setback
25 foot minimum
5. On a zoning lot with a multiple principal building development, at least 1 principal building must meet the required principal front and secondary front setback
6. Principal buildings shall be distanced from the lot lines as shown
   E.   Setbacks; Accessory Building:
1. Front setback
20 feet plus principal building setback minimum
2. Side setback
5 foot minimum; 10 foot minimum at secondary frontage on corner or double frontage lots
3. Rear setback
5 foot minimum
4. Accessory buildings shall be distanced from the lot lines as shown
   F.   Parking/Trash Placement: (See section 12-8-5, "General Parking Provisions", of this title.)
1. Residential
1.5 per dwelling
2. Lodging
1 per room
3. Office
4 per 1,000 square feet
4. Retail
4 per 1,000 square feet
5. Civic
To be determined by DRC
6. Other
To be determined by DRC
7. Parking spaces may only be located in 1/3 of the second tier and all of the third tier as shown in the diagram
8. Parking spaces may be provided in the first tier, subject to the requirements of subsection 12-12-6C3 of this chapter
9. Trash containers shall be stored only within the third tier
10. Parking on properties in a Z4 Overlay District shall be subject to the requirements of section 12-12-7
   G.   Loading Dock Placement:
      1.   Loading docks may only be placed in one-third (1/3) of the second and all of the third tiers as shown in the diagram.
      2.   Loading docks shall not face the principal or secondary frontage street; however, a loading dock that is set back at least eighty feet (80') may face a principal or secondary street, provided it is screened according to subsection 12-16-5I of this title.
(Ord. 12-07, 9-4-2012; amd. Ord. 15-10, 9-15-2015; 2017 Code; Ord. 20-10, 11-3-2020)